Purple stretched


Metamorphosis is happening.

This one challenged me quite a bit. The colors were easy but once I started beading and embellishing it, the more I beaded it the more I did not like it. So, I then decided to take ivory non felting yarn and did French knots through out the beading and then it popped. Finally, the depth I was looking for came out. I have the beginning to end pictures posted on my website

I also don’t like it’s name, if you would like to offer up a different name I will consider changing it. Thanks for looking.
That is A LOT of work- I'm impressed by the sheer amount of finger-work needed to accomplish something like this. I pulled the photo up full sized and found my eye was easily led around the work, but that my favorite bit is the right-bottom corner- that furry little fringe-y bit. Don't lose that.
That is A LOT of work- I'm impressed by the sheer amount of finger-work needed to accomplish something like this. I pulled the photo up full sized and found my eye was easily led around the work, but that my favorite bit is the right-bottom corner- that furry little fringe-y bit. Don't lose that.
There are a few places wher I put hot glue down then covered it in embroidery floss. You can see that process on my web presence https://daisyhillstudio.art.blog/a-study-in/
Thank you for looking.
Its stunning
The first name that came to my mind was The color of the void.
Can’t really explain it.