Good stuff all. Arty, love that first one too.
I can't decide on one. Some I like because I got creative but they may look like crap, and others because I executed well and put the effort into and others because simply they look nice and may be easiest to live with on the walls. So sorry, I must post more than one.
I guess the for the first, the creative but looks like crap category,...and this was fun to do. Pour some ink and then build up something from the imagination.
Hu, humble and grateful, is poured ink, watercolor, acrylic 12x18
2nd cat; Executed fairly well and much work but..... eh...not that exciting, and still needs a little work in the foreground I think.
White House Road oil 14x22
3rd category, a little creative and a little executed and perhaps the most "commercial". Also the largest, which gives it a leg up.
Wildwood Tree Post Storm
Acrylic and watercolor 20x29