Post YOUR OWN piece you like the most

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9089 Artist John Emmett.jpg

That first one is one of my favorites Arty, along with one of a trailer house collage with fabric on it. I don't remember what the name of it was.
Claude, I like the abstract of SoCal, but I particularly like the way NY comes out of the mist.
Nufocus those are great, sort of out of your current style.
Good stuff all. Arty, love that first one too.

I can't decide on one. Some I like because I got creative but they may look like crap, and others because I executed well and put the effort into and others because simply they look nice and may be easiest to live with on the walls. So sorry, I must post more than one.

I guess the for the first, the creative but looks like crap category,...and this was fun to do. Pour some ink and then build up something from the imagination.


Hu, humble and grateful, is poured ink, watercolor, acrylic 12x18

2nd cat; Executed fairly well and much work but..... eh...not that exciting, and still needs a little work in the foreground I think.

white house rd camera.jpg

White House Road oil 14x22

3rd category, a little creative and a little executed and perhaps the most "commercial". Also the largest, which gives it a leg up.

Post Storm Wildwood Tree.jpg

Wildwood Tree Post Storm

Acrylic and watercolor 20x29
Those are all just lovely John. I particularly like the center one, it looks a whole lot like a scene we might see around here. :giggle:
That was always my favorite of yours too Ian, followed by The Gleaners. :)
I really like Sno's horses as well.
I like all three of John's landscapes but I also like the center one best. It has the look of a pre-Impressionist English or French landscape.
I like Musket's "bird". It has an almost Egyptian presence.
I've seen a good many of Arty's works over the years. I'd be hard-pressed to select a single favorite. Of the pieces posted here, I'd probably go with the landscape with the drum set.
it's a wonderful job, and I really like the choice of monochromatic colors, incredible work.
Thanks guy! My blood boils when I hear politicians talk about "bringing back factory jobs" Most are mind numbing, back breaking, soul sapping, subsistence pay non-union sweat shops.
The painting of my own that I probably like the most is the last one I completed, Venus & Psyche. I think in many ways this painting encapsulated and culminated much of what I had been exploring in the paintings from the preceding several years. I also may admire this painting to a greater extent than others at this very moment because it is one of the two paintings that I have been able to keep panging after moving into my tiny home studio.



Venus & Psyche3.jpg

Venus & Psyche2.jpg

Venus & Psyche 4.jpg
"hanging" in my house... not "panging"... whatever that is. I can't figure that typo out at all considering the distance from the h to the p. :unsure:
l these are great pieces! Thanks to those that said nice things about mine. Sno, the one you were talking about with the trailer and the fabric collage, I think you mean this one called The Good Life.


Nufocus, I really like those older pieces you posted, especially the second one--of your ex's favs, and Bongo: Wow! The factory worker painting is superb. John, of the three you posted, I might like the first one best, though I still like the others.

Maybenartist, wow, I remember seeing that a long time ago on WC. I forgot how wonderful it was.
Sno, the one you were talking about with the trailer and the fabric collage, I think you mean this one called The Good Life.

Yes! That's one of my favorites as well. :) (y)