Paper Chase


Supporting Member
We've been chatting here about various papers for oil pastels, and I remembered this painting from about a year and a half ago. It started as an exercise of some kind. I've pretty much settled on Arches oil paper because it works well with both Neopastel and Mungyo Gallery OP's, my main go-to brands. It's a tough paper that also accepts Turpenoid, when I want to blend that way. Anyway, all kinds of papers floated through my brain for awhile, and this painting went from an exercise to being about that mental process.

Paper Chase  1.jpg

All comments welcomed and appreciated. Thanks for looking!
This is really cool, Terri! I like the design and think we can all relate to the hassle of unwanted paperwork. At least art papers are fun to try out! Do you use Turpenoid to make the background so smooth?
Thank you, Donna! I did use Turpenoid, this paper was 12x16" Arches oil paper, and it's just easier to blend at that size. It was likely a harder OP for the base layer that got the Turp - probably my Cray-Pas Expressionist. They play very nicely with both Neopastels and the Mungyo Gallery Soft.

I appreciate you asking! And you're right about art papers being fun to try out. :)
The title attracted me in to this one, and your explanation made me laugh - I've done far too much experimenting with really awful oil pastel surfaces. Absolutely love the style of the piece, and your fun sense of shape design - also those touches of yellow, wonderful.
Strange, but it makes me keep looking .. what for I don't know, but I look. She seems so focused on something and I can't see what it is. I think that is the holding power. Nice piece. Of course I do like blue.
The title attracted me in to this one, and your explanation made me laugh - I've done far too much experimenting with really awful oil pastel surfaces. Absolutely love the style of the piece, and your fun sense of shape design - also those touches of yellow, wonderful.
Thank you, triss! Yes, I bet you do understand that part! 😆

You're very kind.
Excellent composition and design. That blue is so delicious! ...I don't know how I missed commenting on this yesterday, but then I realized I had it held in another browser window. (Where's that emoji where the guy is slapping himself on the forehead?)

Anyway, this is a great piece Terri. I am loving your work more and more. ♥️ It's inspiring me to break out a few of my own--it's just that I have already sown almost everything here. Ho-hum.
Thank you, Arty! Your words mean a lot! ❤

It's inspiring me to break out a few of my own--it's just that I have already sown almost everything here. Ho-hum.
But *I* haven't seen them all. ;) And neither have all the newcomers to the site.

Post away, I say!
Jo, thank you so much for looking and commenting. 💓

Think "blue," and then surprise us with more of your wonderful work! 👏
I think that she is looking at that one blue shape Nd wondering if it’s going to hit her in the head. Nice painting. A lot of movement, depth and very thought provoking.
Jane, thank you for commenting! I'm so sorry I missed this until now.

I'm happy you like it! ❤
Terri !
I like this composition and that it intense blue ! 🤩
For years I have inclined to draw, and I really started in march 2020 by meeting wetcanvas.
So I have a stock of paper to use and sometimes it's a good pick, sometimes not... anyway, I must continue.