Sylvette after Picasso


Supporting Member
After reading about @Enyaw and his experiments with the color gray I had to rummage through my files to find this one. Originally done as a "white" Challenge elsewhere, after painting this I ended up with a serious education and love for the power of gray! I used just about every one I had (aside from the more color-forward ones, such as gray-green, gray-red, etc). It was a great exercise.

Sylvette final.jpg

Sylvette David was a young artist in her own right when she met Picasso back in 1954. She inspired dozens of paintings and became known as "The Girl With the Ponytail." She is still alive and painting and has nothing but positive memories of her time sitting for him.

My copy is painted with mainly Caran d'Ache Neopastel and Mungyo Gallery Artist Soft oil pastels - these two brands have the best line of grays out there, in my opinion - with a few sticks of Sennelier in there too, and the infamous Sennelier white. 12x16" Arches Oil paper. Thanks for looking! :)
I agree! Those are beautiful grays Terri, and you used them well! I had never heard of Sylvette so thanks for the link. She sure was a striking young model.
Well done, Terri! ❤️You showed that tones are what matter too. That is obviously white, but it's not. :giggle:
Wayne, Donna, Sno - thank you! It was an interesting painting to copy, and led to finding out about this young woman in addition to painting in grays.

Another wonderful aspect of art are these little side journeys. ❤️
I love this! Grey is really underrated. I love the mix of straight lines and curves, light/dark tones. 🙂
Jo, Bongo, Mississippi Hippie, Kay - thanks for the kind words! :)

Kay, I agree with you about gray. ❤️
WOW!!! This is so good! The values, the shading....everything. I'm super impressed Terri! Very well done. ♥️