Oliver's Bedroom

Dave Woody

Well-known member
30cm x 25cm cheap canvas. Acrylics.
A depiction of what my 10yr's bedroom has going on....

It is just a picture to him right now, but it will be a moment captured, 20 years from now.
And I do have hundreds and hundreds of photo's archived, under his bed.
Samuel Woodman is a family member who gave his life in WW1, we have his medal and letter from Buckingham
That's nice Dave, something he can take through life with him. (y)
It was just too ... flat....so I did that ( above ) to it.

It has a bit of depth now ( hey....remember .....I am a guitarist
I just paint for fun )
Changed the carpet. That really ties the room together.
Changed carpet, as you said, painted the walls, chucked some toys out....!

The pic in my hands, right now, is a lot more crisp, detailed and colourful than the image
that got posted.
It does look better. And your son looks happy. When you put the guitar down and pick up a brush, you are an artist.
It does look better. And your son looks happy. When you put the guitar down and pick up a brush, you are an artist.
Thank you Iain.
I am wrestling with 40 years of gigs VS 3 years (156) paintings.

The music is gone....the pictures are here.
That is a lot of statistics.
Coming from a certain background, maybe we never entirely get over imposter syndrome, even when the world accepts who you are.

I like to think of the artist as the great imposter.