"My so-called disorder"


Well-known member
An interesting article by cartoonist Dan Piraro about his struggles at school:

I find it particularly interesting that he basically needed to sit and doodle sketches in order to pay attention in class (and of course, his teachers wouldn't allow that). With me it's the opposite: when I draw I cannot focus on verbal information at all. I seldom even hear individual words anymore; it all just becomes a droning sound. I do like to put on music while drawing, mind you, and can to some extent multitask this way, i.e. at least partially listen to music while drawing.
Like you, I find it very hard to focus on anything besides the task at hand. I used to keep my TV on just for company, never listening to what it was saying but now I prefer silence when I am doing art, I just let my thoughts keep me company.
I used to do that in school and still paid attention. Would do it when finished with tests early too, so the teachers would come over to see what I was doing, at first to check for cheating (never did that), then to admire the doodles. Still did that as an adult in endlessly boring business meetings.
I feel that, as someone diagnosed with ADHD and high-functioning autism. My concentration is near 0 most of the time.
Funny... I used to doodle extensively during elementary classes too. Not sure if it was a concentration thing? I just remember I did it a lot. I always kept a book for drawing with me. Teachers often took it away and then I'd just doodle on my worksheets.

Now... I find I struggle to concentrate on much, including reading comprehension. Whether I'm doodling or not.

Makes me think... I always had this thing where I can't concentrate with music playing or general sounds, except for math. I need music to focus on math. I used to get in trouble from dad for playing music while trying to learn math. I used to tell him I needed it. He never understood and just told me I'm a slacker.

Whole life was "you're not trying", "try harder", "you're doing nothing", when I was genuinely trying my best. Didn't get diagnosed till relatively recently though when I was suspecting ADHD based on how difficult school was from the beginning up through University.