My Guernsey


Well-known member
Hello. This is a Guernsey (gansey to some of you) I am knitting for myself. Its five-ply wool from Flamborough Marine and is in their Claret colour. I tinkered with the design and have completed the body in the round to the arm-holes, then knitted to the shoulders and neck seperately on two needles. I’ve done my sums and chosen parts of the pattern for the sleeves, which I’ve just started.


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Beautiful pattern! I can crochet anything, but I find knitting to be awkward and hard on my fingers, so I have only knitted the simplest things. I can't even imagine tackling this. lol!
This is great! I can't knit at all, but can crochet scarves. Ha ha ha!!! This is obviously very skilled. Can't wait to see it finished. :)
Great, as usual, Penny. I could not seem to find Jenna's sculpture. You are both very talented.
Terrific work, Schuee. Soft and cozy looking, yummy! I can't wait to see you wearing this!
Beautiful knitting Schuee. I learned to knit from my grandmother many years ago although I don't usually tackle anything as complex as your sweater. I like your idea to work back & front together until you reach the sleeves.
Thank you, ams. I have started the sleeves and knit a few lines a day, in between other things.
Thank you, Terri. I’m taking the sleeves slowly, in between drawing for Inktober!
Thanks for looking, Cindy. I am still working on the sleeves, though Inktober is taking up time at present. I had a busy day and didn't get my afternoon rest, so I am not knitting this evening.
Thank you, Jane. It just takes practise! I’ve been knitting for a good many years. You only need to know how to knit and to purl to create lovely designs.
My mom tried to teach me, I never did learn how to knit or crochet, but I can sew,