More Space Art

These inspire me to keep on trying to figure out and use Krita. . .thanks.
I'm still learning the software (and digital painting in general) but what's helped me a lot is checking out Krita tutorials on YouTube. So that's my suggestion. Good luck!
I am actually toying with that idea for the time being... until we get moved into a more permanent residence and I have a reasonable studio space again. I have a co-worker (art teacher) who directs the digital arts program at his school who has made some suggestions as far as software, etc... and I follow an artist on Instagram and Twitter whose work has elements in common with mine who has also made suggestions:


-Senju Shunga (Matti Sandberg) Autumn Moon
I am actually toying with that idea for the time being... until we get moved into a more permanent residence and I have a reasonable studio space again. I have a co-worker (art teacher) who directs the digital arts program at his school who has made some suggestions as far as software, etc... and I follow an artist on Instagram and Twitter whose work has elements in common with mine who has also made suggestions:

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-Senju Shunga (Matti Sandberg) Autumn Moon
Oooh, that's beautiful!

I'm doing a lot of digital art right now because we're getting settled into a new place and don't have much room for doing art, so I definitely feel you on that!
After 13 years in the same house, the owner... who had been awarded the house in a divorce from the brother of the guy we initially rented from... decided to sell. The market is booming with investment groups buying up residential properties and then jacking up the rent. We were initially told that we would be able to stay in the home although the rent would be increased... but then we were informed on the 1st of October that the new owner had decided to roll the home... renovate it and sell it. We were given 30 days to move 13 years of crap out. And then things got worse. The movers we contacted were unavailable until mid-November due to a shortage of employees. Then, in Mid-October, my wife's mother fell ill and passed away. On such short notice, we were forced to move most of our belongings into storage and move into an extended-stay hotel that allows dogs. There's no way we were leaving our pups. We have no plans to move again in the middle of an Ohio winter and we're in the process of selling the mother's home. Then we'll decide whether to buy or lease. I'm leaning toward leasing because I want nothing to do with dealing with repairs and maintenance. We're looking at single-floor townhouses because my brother, who lives with us, is disabled and stairs are a nightmare for him. I'd like an outside studio where I can be very messy... like my former studio...


... but If I need to in order to save money I'll look at a townhouse with a larger garage that can be used as a studio.
After 13 years in the same house, the owner... who had been awarded the house in a divorce from the brother of the guy we initially rented from... decided to sell. The market is booming with investment groups buying up residential properties and then jacking up the rent. We were initially told that we would be able to stay in the home although the rent would be increased... but then we were informed on the 1st of October that the new owner had decided to roll the home... renovate it and sell it. We were given 30 days to move 13 years of crap out. And then things got worse. The movers we contacted were unavailable until mid-November due to a shortage of employees. Then, in Mid-October, my wife's mother fell ill and passed away. On such short notice, we were forced to move most of our belongings into storage and move into an extended-stay hotel that allows dogs. There's no way we were leaving our pups. We have no plans to move again in the middle of an Ohio winter and we're in the process of selling the mother's home. Then we'll decide whether to buy or lease. I'm leaning toward leasing because I want nothing to do with dealing with repairs and maintenance. We're looking at single-floor townhouses because my brother, who lives with us, is disabled and stairs are a nightmare for him. I'd like an outside studio where I can be very messy... like my former studio...

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... but If I need to in order to save money I'll look at a townhouse with a larger garage that can be used as a studio.
Oh man, that sounds like a rough time! I hope it works out for you soon. For us, we ran into financial issues and had 30 days to move after 6 years in the same place, and being physically disabled, I couldn't help with the moving at all. We had to move in with my fiance's mother, and store most our belongings at 2 family member's houses. It's definitely a tough situation to be in. I hope you find a suitable place!
We have the money to move, but I'm just getting too old to be doing the labor myself. My back is still aching from moving 4500 books, 3500 CDs, and a washer & dryer. Neither am I in the mood to move in the middle of an Ohio winter where we never know what the weather will be the next day: snow? freezing rain? volcano? :( My wife and sister have inherited the mother's home. We could buy out the sister's half... but the house is way out in the boonies... 10 miles from the nearest small one-road town and over an hour's drive to my job in Cleveland. Good luck to you as well.
Hey SLG, sorry to hear that things are still rough, but you sound a little more upbeat than in your previous posts, which is a good sign. I hope there is some improvement soon in the situation for you, your wife and your brother.
Regarding a NEO winter, I know full well whereof you speak; I ran a moving and trucking company for 15 years in Lake county right next to the snow belt.
Good Luck to all.
I'm still learning the software (and digital painting in general) but what's helped me a lot is checking out Krita tutorials on YouTube. So that's my suggestion. Good luck!
That's how I learned digital too. There are lots of them there and they can be very helpful.