Monthly Art Prompts - July 2023


Well-known member
Create some art that is inspired by any of this month's prompts. Let your imagination soar. Turn on your creative juices.

All media and styles are welcome (drawing, painting, digital, photography, sculpture, multi-media, representational, abstract, etc.). It can be something done quickly, a finished work of art or anything in between. It can be created from your imagination, from life or a photo reference. If you use a photo reference, please make sure it has no applicable copyright restrictions.

Here are the prompts for July. Have fun interpreting them.

Something you eat

Post your finished (or unfinished) art in this thread. Post any time during the month, as many times as you would like.
Tell us a little about the work if you so desire. For example, you could include the medium you used, where you got your inspiration or how long it took. When you post, it's always nice to "like" or comment on posts made earlier in the thread by other artists. We all like acknowledgement of our work!

For help in finding reference images online, click on the link: Tutorial: How to Find Copyright-Free Reference Images.
If you have copyright-free images that go along with the prompts that you would like to share, you can post them in this thread for others to use.

If you would like to provide prompts for a month, sign up here.

My photographer friend and I were sitting at a riverside cafe on the Hudson River in Ft. Edward, NY, when a mother and her teenage daughter walked in. They sat at a nearby table. The girl was wearing these...


We both quietly took out our compact digital cameras and took pictures. They never noticed.
I'm surprised this forum is so neglected. Hint: Draw a picture of an orange tree and all three categories are covered. Draw a cat under it. :)
Anne, sorry to be so slow this month. We had company for about a month, different every week. It was good to see great grandkids but......
I sketched in my Ohuhu Mix Media sketchbook with watercolors and Micron 02 ink pen. Orange, my little University of Texas bear that sits on my lamp that has an orangey shade. Practicing with watercolor, slow learning process, not patient enough. After I finished I realized it was "from life" so I posted it in the Scavenger Hunt as my pet.

Thanks CaliAnn. I have had a busy month too and haven't been doing much art. Once I finish some projects I'm working on, I'll have time for more art.
Blues in Watercolor for "outdoor". I did this for a card some years ago in 5 x 7 inch size. I went to the Paint and Dine tonight and did it again in size 11 x 14 inches. Weatercolor and ink on Arches paper. Our local Brew Pub has the event every Thursday about 4:30 p.m. Artists get 15% off dinner and a free beer. This is my third Thursday so painting a bit more. Yay.

I LOVE Jo! Beautiful! I still haven't finished mine - just have too much going on - sucks!