Lemons and walnuts


Well-known member
Still searching for that "thingy" with more relaxed brushstroke and focusing on main values... will experiment some more and, maybe, one day it will click :) . This one is 30cm by 40cm or 12" by 16" done over 2 sittings. There are some closeups bellow as well.

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend and until next time - have a good one!


Lemons and nuts.jpg

Close up 1.png
Close up 2.png
Close up 3.png
Close up 4.png
Beautiful! Lots of texture and I love how the light hits the lemons and the cup, while everything else is sort of subdued. Extraordinary. ❤️
This is just beautiful beyond words, Zoran! Color, composition, lighting and texture!
This is wonderful, the light on the fruit is spectacular and I love those pale leaves.
Gorgeous work! The textures really stand out for me in this one. As always, your command of light is a beautiful sight to behold. ❤️
Great painting! I love the feeling of the whole image, thanks to the nice lighting rendition!