Learning On The Fly



little study on learning to draw with the brush .. no pre draw or sketch .. just paint on a brush . .. about 30 minutes and I don't know why it took so long except for my uncertainty or lack of trust in the initial stroke. I must try this again till I get it right. . I took two white panels: one for a floor and one for a back wall and put a few art items on the floor panel ...
You're so good with the knife, I tend to forget you're using it! ❤️ You did great here.
Thank you Terri but you are going to lose your A for not reading .. 🔍
No no, I grokked - this was trying brush work, and I was thinking about how you use the knife so often, I don't really consider it anymore. Until this effort with the brush.

I wasn't clear with my comment. Maybe I should run outside and play! 😜
Thank you Terri .. playing is good for the soul.
here is today .. these are all 30 minutes or less and painted from life with no predraws .. if I hit 30 minutes and gong goes off, the painting stops
.. they are just quick studies to help me mix and match better without too much thought going into the process .. this was brush
Have a cup on me .. :cool:

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Thanks, I will have a cup! This looks really good. I like the idea of setting the timer and putting the brush down, to keep it in "study" mode. I'm betting you're going to catch on really quick, since you don't have to be shown mixing or shadows, etc. Your cup looks great.
Thank you Ayin and Terri ...
This one was 24 minutes .. the brush draw is bad, brush stoke too overworked, but I do like the coloring.
Painting these on old sketch paper with no jesso as they just go to the garbage bin after photo.
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These are all just great and I am seeing a lot of improvement as you go. ❤️ 💝 Only thing is, I don't see a fly anywhere. ;)
Thank you Sno. Funny you should mention that. I never see the fly but if I hit the 30 minute mark I do hear Bzzzzzz. So I know it's in the room.
I love these warm colors, too! You're highly critical of every brush stroke you make, which means you're going to get really good at this. ;) Keep up the good work!

Eventually you'll find that fly - will you smash him with a rolled up painting?
thank you Joe.
Last night I did another. I spent the full 30 minutes on it and was mostly disappointed as it lacked in so many places. I should be able to do this in 15 or less and still get a fairly good representation.
I watched a person on utube counting strokes and he did a painting in the limited amount of strokes but the painting was pathetic. Obviously when the method becomes more important than the outcome then there is little to gain. And so, I thought about it over night and realized I am trying to get more of the picture that the painting so I decided to do it again this morning. I still took the full 30 minutes which was disappointing but I spent more time thinking than painting so that should help next time I go at it as the thoughts will cut the painting time. I just need to let the thoughts disolve into my physce. Still the elipse escapes me but I don't want to predraw as I want to get it from sight measurements rather than actual measurements.
First one is last night and the second is this morning. Both 30 minutes.

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Personally, if a light predraw helps you along, it's still your work, so why should it matter? Elipses are notoriously hard. I can see you struggle with the left side; just a bit of that point needs rounding while the right side on both paintings looks great.

The colors, the textures, all look lovely. You're getting better every time. I wouldn't want to think about counting strokes while I worked - eww. Sounds like an inspiration killer. You wrote: "when the method becomes more important than the outcome then there is little to gain." I agree!
Thank you Terri .. the eperiment is over .. took 7 minutes for this one .. I do predraw at times but just for this exercise I did not want to and didn't. This one is close to a good elipse: could have used a little touch on the upper viewer right to take a little off the cup. The brush work is good, and the color is grand. If I do say so myself. Now I will send the fly back to the kitchen and egg duty. Thanks all for comments and taking a look at an aritst and his little joys of painting and pushing oneself gently. Now I'll go away from this one and find something else to push and pull.

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That green is dynamite! ❤️

I happen to like following along another's artistic journey. So thank you for posting all these! I'm here to learn. :)