Ayin, thank you very much, happy that you like them, you're right about Leslie Neilson, just see him on stage, the detective stories or the craziest area in the world, a few minutes where he's a doctor, hilarious minutes, even before the gag, or when he listens to others or raises the eyebrow it's already difficult not to laugh, the same happens to me with Bill Murray, his mere presence brings levels of comedy imaginable but in an instant he could also tear up.
You mentioned Benigni, I hadn't thought of the resemblance to Peter Sellers but I remember one of his films, the son of the pink panther, he was the son of the character of Peter Sellers, he was a sequel to the nineties with Benigni in his place as a son. But it is another Benigni's film that I recommend if you don't know him, a film paired with another famous Italian comedian, a great genius, unfortunately died very soon, Massimo Troisi and Benigni, non ci resta che piangere il titolo. In english, title is :Nothing Left To Do But Crying, is, one of the funniest and most beautiful films I remember, there is also Leonardo Da Vinci ... the plot is that one day they wake up in the past, after a storm, without a reason, without knowing what is happening, then they find out There are an infinite number of situations and jokes, the two of them are incredible in that film . ,their comedy and their ability to improvise are among the most extraordinary and here they also had a lot of fun, a film that causes stomach pain for laughter. This is the masterpiece they made together, it's from 1984 and it's above all a comedy even if Troisi in his comedy and irony brought a world, many things sometimes maybe I didn't understand them but left feelings. Later Troisi then made the Postman, Benigni, la vita é bella , 2 masterpieces of another kind from this, similar to each other, however, 2 different stories but probably similar films to each other 2 for the type of strong emotions they give between drama and comedy.