last things and other things.

All excellent. I am loving the style you have for your animals. You seem to have a different one for cartoons than you have for animals, which is so refreshing. I think you're doing great! :)
hi, In the last 2 days I have done these (and some scribble, start, hint of head), I had tried again, insisted with pen, done these and just some scribble, so I had redone other figures with pen, this time not thinking so much about shading, but beginning. From life I had made a bow that was in some old box. Always with the pen, however, at least for longer drawings, I must first reuse the pencil as per the advice, and I was trying to learn this (I did not find this step easy but in reality I like it as well as actually how you say it is useful, very useful to learn .) Instead, still life, things from life or faster maybe those I continue in pen, this, when I try an object even if in pencil, maybe by erasing I lose my point of view or I have to move so I don't finish really adjusting or practice trying again then from life I try little or do not try to erase and then with the pen it is similar to the pencil, especially if the paper is small.

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Desforges, thank you very much for the wonderful thought, I appreciate it very much. Snoball I'm very glad you think hatching is better, thank you very much.
Artyczar, thank you very much, I find it wonderful that you think this.
ntl, thank you very much, I'm glad you like them
Hi , i made these in the last 2 days, a page with objects then photos and a drawing by Leonardo, by the way I wanted to write that there is this very nice pdf, freely usable on the museum site ; on google :

Leonardo da Vinci- Anatomical Drawings from the Royal Library, Windsor Castle

On the first site that appears by pressing download pdf

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Leonardo da Vinci- Anatomical Drawings from the Royal Library, Windsor Castle.jpg

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in the last few days I have tried other copies, studies by masters.
the face comes from here 2Fpin% 2F158611218105501731% 2F & tbnid = aaSOo5jGN-tJKM & vec = 12ahUKEwikhMWP26ruAhUMLOwKHTAkBukQMygAegUIARCFAQ..i & docid = j0PMMLHBarSZBM & w = 600 & h = 432 & itg = 1 & q =% E2% 80% 98Renaissance% 20drawings% E2% 80% 99 & hl = en & ved = 2ahUKEwikhMWP26ruAhUMLOwKHTAkBukQMygAegUIARCFAQ

, the figure was from a drawing by durer, (only half, I thought of making a part of it to simplify) to also exercise strokes (and I find his drawings wonderful every time I see them) strokes had struck me a lot,
I don't know if it's right or left handed, from the signs I never understand it for sure, looking now on google it says left handed, I don't know, however very difficult to try to imitate its traits, I think I'll try with others even if I will probably end up trying others than one some reasons why for many years I would like to try to draw and learn again and also to observe the drawings you love.

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the one in the third photo is larger than the previous ones, than those I usually do, (sheet or part of a5 or a4 sheets, this is a3 printer sheet even if only a part)
, I made these and then from a picture this instead
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the one in the third photo has larger dimensions than the previous ones, than those I usually do, (sheet or part of a5 or a4 sheets, this is a3 printer sheet even if only a part)
, I made these and then from a picture this instead

also from black and white photo, an actress


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Excellent job on inking the pencil drawings and The nose is really good on that 3rd one. Keep up the practice, it is paying off. (y)
thank you from the heart,
glad you like them and think that.
ok, today I try another face
i did this, graphite, a4,
from foto

I tried again by pretending it was a charcoal pencil, that is, with the flat side.
from 3 hours,
at some point to adjust width I measured on the monitor.

first photo was before continuing, last 2 as it is now, only change zoom in the photo.

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first photo was before continuing, last 2 as it is now, only changes zoom in the photo and also the colors. (from life values are lighter)
I find the differences in the 3 versions interesting. To me, they show different attitudes, feelings. All beautiful.