last things and other things.

from life this , 3object

-foulard – always the snowman with candle – and small old bracket

on a4, pen, this time first in pencil, maybe 2 hours, 1,30 or 2 hours or +
in total,
I had turned on a show instead of music while I was doing (now out of habit I almost always have to have music or something to listen to while I try to draw

2 photos because I could not choose which one looked better
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Some figures and other things of recent days with the pen, yesterday figures tried again with bic pen,
I wasn't reusing the bic often because long ago I read that it favors bad habits, to learn they said I think, perhaps for unique characteristics, it is actually different (perhaps my tendency to scribbling increases), so maybe fineliner or even gel pens, etc, better, I was mainly using the others that I had therefore taken over time.
yesterday however I tried these 4 figures of croqui caffe with bic.
Hand and caricatures of a few days ago.
The hand (hand and with the gel pen) I must not continue it, I had also changed it, lost the positions a couple of times so I had thought of leaving it like this, and then try whole again for the post on the hands that I would like to go back to (I like to review every time everyone's pictures).

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The second last is good, but i particularly liked the gaggle of geese and the following cartoon character. They were excellent.
Ian, thank you very much, glad you liked them.

Snoball, thank you very much, is a great suggestion, thanks I'll try, some time ago I tried to check this, memorize something, try to pay attention to the measurements, after a while I started to forget about this (forget it, especially with the pen ) or do it wrong.

between the links of the page I have now pressed on one that is very nice of the wiki, there is the table and lots of useful information and examples. I'll try again with calm or attention.

Today I drew and tried again the figure, this time with the pencil, drawn in the sketchbok, about a5, that I had taken and I am usually trying to use it from up even if I use it at home. I was thinking of trying a fruit again, and I started it then I did this, I hadn't tried it yet for photos of people.

I was undecided whether to try to shade or not, then I decided for shading, only half because I accidentally changed the page, (I was not sure I would find the same pose) and then I thought about trying a bigger other pose, trying a face in space remained.

Da sketchboo.jpg
yesterday I made a new drawing, it's not a figure but a lemon,
to exercise myself from life, and it is very large lemon, almost a cedar,

first in pencil and then with the pen. The Fineliner, I don't know if it is better in pencil or pen looks better.
I did the first half in pen like the other times, the end, second half,
looked at some pen hatches, looking on internat examples,
tried one called type patch.
It seemed nice to me as a method, even if it is complicated in ink drawings (but shading in general) to understand the lines of the various strokes or understand the one that is right for the case.
harmonious effect,
then, okay, shading in general (not just with ink) is one of the most important (or first) things in drawing and also the most difficult.

Today and tomorrow with a newspaper on the newsstand they give as a launch offer, two little books inserts on an artist, the first numbers of a collection, MOnet and botticelli Monet, the water lilies, his works are very beautiful, and Botticelli is wonderful, so I'll take them, taken the first.

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yesterday I made a page, this one, of a cartoon / maybe even a comic (plus a face), an absurd cartoon and a little exaggerated but among the funniest things ever done, it's a parody of back to the future ...

as a drawing they do not seem very difficult but instead I find them complicated, very pass them by pen, however irresistible cartoon, maybe I should see them again, it is back to the future but grandfather <(brilliant grandfather inventor) and grandson (which involves in crazy things), in the most beautiful him the whole episode turns into a cucumber (so as not to go with his family to a visit to talk about the separation of his daughter) ... cucumber rick the title and catchphrase of the episode, an idea that does not end well

2020-12-30 15-20_pagina_1.jpg
thanks Artyczar
I made these from 2 single photos. tried drawing animals again.
Parrot and dog
A4, Parrot, pencil, 20 or 30 minutes.
dog I haven't finished it, more, I think an hour or more,
dog I initially thought of doing it in pen, for now I have done this, maybe I would try to continue in pen or pencil. L
happy new year to all.

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