Glad to have found you!


Contributing Member
I'm Kay, you might know me from over on WetCanvas (Triduana). I just found out about this forum a couple of days ago after hearing that WC is shutting down.

I've taken a break from art for the past year; during the pandemic I completely lost all motivation so now I'm desperately trying to get my mojo back! So it might be a while before I post any artwork here.

I mainly work in watercolours and ink, I love graphite too, and I dabble in other stuff. Hoping to work from life a lot more from now on. I mainly paint wildlife / botany, sometimes landscapes but I'm not good at those, but I keep trying.

Thanks for reading 🙂
Hi Kay :) nice to see you here... welcome :)... You forgot to mention you were a guide ;)
Thanks! Good to see you too :)

Thanks for the reminder that I was a guide in the Animals & Wildlife forum ... it was so long ago!
I remember your name, probably from the A&W forum I didn't spend much time there, but I remember your name. Welcome!
ntl - Thank you for the welcome. I used to read almost everything and post almost everywhere on WC, so you may have seen my posts in various places :)

Joy - thanks so much, that's really nice to hear :)
Good to see you here. I remember your name too. I think the pandemic affected many of us. Hopefully, you will get back to your art.

Welcome to the site, Kay! I'm happy you joined us. Hopefully after looking around and settling in, you'll be inspired. 💓
Anne, Terri, bcj - many thanks for the welcomes and words of encouragement :)
Hi Kay. I recognized your name right away. Please post some of your work sooner rather than later. There is nothing wrong with posting some of your older work here. I certainly have.
Welcome Kay. I hope you will enjoy yourself here. Good to know that you were a guide. Maybe one day you'd like to take that on here. ;)
Welcome, Kay. I hope you get inspired and get your mojo back. I don't recognize you from WC, but for the last few years I was mainly posting in the Artwork from Life forum doing the Scavenger Hunts. Looking forward to seeing your work.
Thanks for the welcolme Artyczar :)
Good to know that you were a guide. Maybe one day you'd like to take that on here. ;)
Just let me know if I can help!

Thanks Joan. I had a go at the Scavanger Hunts a few times, but it would have been some time ago. I want to do more drawing from life from now on so maybe I'll see you in that forum. :)