"Gamer? On an art forum!? There is no way...."


Active member
Yo, everyone at CreativeSpark! My name is Hanzo Hasas- I MEAN Pyuari, Pyua for short, and I'm some 15 year old autistic Filipino multifandom girl who draws fandom stuff. I draw, play games, write, and become lazy for most of the time. I've been drawing since I was a smol (small) baby. Took it (traditional art) seriously since around 2017-2018ish and started digital somewhere in 2017. (actually did digital start somewhere in 2011-2012 where Miniclip Sketch Star is THE shit before it closed 3:) Then I started taking digital seriously early in 2020. I mostly draw cute anime girl stuff and sometimes creatures. I rarely draw OCs and other originals so if you want art from me, then expect me throw some fanart instead of original art to your face.

Since I'm a very avid fandom person, I think I can list my fandoms here. Actually it's mostly niche(???) tbh (to be honest) but whatever (Google it if you don't know):
  • Kirby (BIG time)
  • Yu-Gi-Oh (Zexal is THE shit)
  • Rhythm games (mostly mobile rhythm games such as Arcaea)
  • Pretty Cure
  • Sanrio, especially Show by Rock
  • PriPara
  • Touhou Project
  • Happy Tree Friends
Slowly starting to get into Mortal Kombat for some reason lmao. But anyways.
General interests include cute things, food, music (if you're a Speedcore fan please talk to me), rabbits, taking a walk, Japanese fashion, and more I guess.

Creative Spark seems cool and friendly. I found it because in the middle of thinking about art posting sites like DeviantArt, Artfol, and others I have accounts on, I randomly thought "Ok so what if I join an art forum that would be pretty cool idea" and so I did. Totally not being me searching for yet another art site for no reason, I have way too many art sites with my account 🫠

Sorry if I talk like a mean person/breaking rules, 1. It's the first time I have to abide the rules like this, especially the "Google exists" and "Please clarify acronyms" rules I think, which makes typing this kind of hard, 2. I swear a lot, and 3. I'm just a dumb person. Please let me know if I was breaking rules or being mean here. And I'm more sorry for making this long as fuck introduction, I dump my information a lot. it's my first time 🥲

Aaaand Pyuari is done making this introduction. I hope I'm able enjoy the site and get along with you people here 😊

(PS: If you're a fan of Magolor from Kirby Series please talk to me immediately [positive tone])
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Hi Pyuari. Welcome to the forums. You are probably the youngest member if you are just 15 years old. That's great. We need new blood! ;)

You can curse if you want to and if you find it necessary. I curse sometimes too. I come from da streets, so it's in all began in my veins.

I think all sites have rules, especially forums. DeviantArt have some semblance of rules too. Maybe they are just different. And maybe you can get used to not using so many acronyms.

A lot of what you have talked about is a bit of gobbledeguk to me because I don't come from the world of fandom art/game stuff, but I would like to know more about it! Maybe you can open our eyes to it all. That would be nice. :)

Please post some of your work so we can get a feel for your style. I'd love to see it and get to know you better. I like your sense of humor so far.
Hi Pyuari. Welcome to the forums. You are probably the youngest member if you are just 15 years old. That's great. We need new blood! ;)

You can curse if you want to and if you find it necessary. I curse sometimes too. I come from da streets, so it's in all began in my veins.

I think all sites have rules, especially forums. DeviantArt have some semblance of rules too. Maybe they are just different. And maybe you can get used to not using so many acronyms.

A lot of what you have talked about is a bit of gobbledeguk to me because I don't come from the world of fandom art/game stuff, but I would like to know more about it! Maybe you can open our eyes to it all. That would be nice. :)

Please post some of your work so we can get a feel for your style. I'd love to see it and get to know you better. I like your sense of humor so far.
Hi, thanks for some kind words! I appreciate it. I understand that you don't come from the multifandom world and I apologize for any confusion. I have nothing else to say now, but....
Since you kindly asked me to post my art, here!


  • them2.png
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  • mango1.png
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  • 3.png
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  • saya.png
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Welcome to the forum, Pyuari! We're happy to have you join us.

Thanks for posting some of your work - you have some skills! Don't worry too much about the rules other than to simply follow them, and you'll be just fine here. :) There is a wide range of artists on this site and I hope you enjoy looking at the work of others - who knows, you may even feel inspired by some of it.

Keep posting and have fun!
Wow Pyuari! Your work kicks ass! It's fantastic. What is the medium you used for these? Are they done traditionally or digitally? They are very cool!!! :cool::love:

Also, don't worry about confusing me. You didn't, yet. ;) I'd like to know more about your characters if you want to share.
Good to have you here, Pyuari. I would love to see more of your work and learn about the media and techniques you use.
Hi Pyuari, and welcome to the forums. We're glad to have you here. 👋

I enjoyed your introduction! You mention lots of names I'm unfamiliar with, which is great as I like learning new art-related things. I really like the work you posted, I don't think I've seen anything like this on the forum before, so please post more :) (y)
Wow Pyuari! Your work kicks ass! It's fantastic. What is the medium you used for these? Are they done traditionally or digitally? They are very cool!!! :cool::love:

Also, don't worry about confusing me. You didn't, yet. ;) I'd like to know more about your characters if you want to share.
I mostly do digital art, using Krita as my art program :)
Characters in order:
Yuma Tsukumo (human) and Astral (ghost), in the first pic
Magolor (2nd)
III/Michael Arclight (3rd)
Saya (Arcaea) (4th)
If you would like to know more about them google it! 😀
I mostly do digital art, using Krita as my art program :)

I've heard so much about that program. I have been using Photoshop since the dawn of time. Ha ha. It's been a "bootleg" version the whole time. I have never paid for it, so it's a little bit older, but it does all the same shit the new one does.

Characters in order:

Yuma Tsukumo (human) and Astral (ghost), in the first pic
Magolor (2nd)
III/Michael Arclight (3rd)
Saya (Arcaea) (4th)
If you would like to know more about them google it! 😀
I'm on it! So far, it's super involved. I have a feeling I'll be reading about this for a while. Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal is all pretty fascinating to me already!
Hi, and welcome to the forums! Your work is very accomplished, thanks for sharing it.