Monthly Art Prompts - October 2023


Well-known member
Create some art that is inspired by any of this month's prompts. Let your imagination soar. Turn on your creative juices.

All media and styles are welcome (drawing, painting, digital, photography, sculpture, multi-media, representational, abstract, etc.). It can be something done quickly, a finished work of art or anything in between. It can be created from your imagination, from life or a photo reference. If you use a photo reference, please make sure it has no applicable copyright restrictions.

We're going to do something a little different since it is October. There is a worldwide event called Inktober. Basically, it is a list of 31 prompts, one for each day in October for you to create an ink drawing. We will use the prompt list this month, but if you work in a different medium, don't worry, just post it anyway. For our purposes, choose any prompt you would like, you don't have to do them in order but label each post with the day number and prompt so we know what inspired you.

If you do decide to work in pen and ink, you can also post it over in the Ink and Marker forum.

The "official" Inktober list of prompts is here:

Post your finished (or unfinished) art in this thread. Post any time during the month, as many times as you would like.
Tell us a little about the work if you so desire. For example, you could include the medium you used, where you got your inspiration or how long it took. When you post, it's always nice to "like" or comment on posts made earlier in the thread by other artists. We all like acknowledgement of our work!

Have fun!

For help in finding reference images online, click on the link: Tutorial: How to Find Copyright-Free Reference Images.
If you have copyright-free images that go along with the prompts that you would like to share, you can post them in this thread for others to use.

We could use some people to "host" the Monthly art event so if you would like to provide prompts for a month, sign up here.
Oh wow, I'd completely forgotten about Inktober! This is a great idea for the month. 🙂
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I did it in 2020 and thought I would give it a try again. I probably won't get them all but it will be fun to participate.
I've tried it a few times but never get very far. I'll definitely try again this year! I don't always stick with the prompts but I will try some of them. Tomorrow's (2nd) is one of my favourite subjects 🙂
Here are a couple to get started.

#1 Dream
20230929Sk9 Sleeping Kitten (WDE 10-6-23, Inktober).png

2 Spiders
20231002Sk5 Spider (Inktober 2).png
Anne, love the sense of depth in your path. Great perspective on the spider.
Jo, really creative, well done take on "spider".

Here is mine. #29 Massive. Done in Intense/Ink on Strathmore Visual Journal 140CP, 8 x 10. Still getting the hang of the Inktense.

Nice ones Alabama. I especially like your last one. I see the puppy. You have many hours of fun ahead enjoying it.

After posting the first 3 here, I have been posting them in the Inktober thread in the Ink and Marker Forum since all of mine are pen and ink. I have been doing them in order so I just finished Day 11-Wander.
Thanks for linking me to that thread, Anne!! Saw your post for wander, really nice.

Thanks, Jo.. going to post on other page from now on it looks like
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Thanks to all who participated this month in this thread and also in the Inktober thread.

November's prompts can be found here.

We could use some people to "host" the Monthly art event so if you would like to provide prompts for a month, sign up here.