cap conundrum


Well-known member
The threads on the tiny caps they put on tube paints are always getting clogged up with paint. And if you don't get them cleaned up good enough they tend to fall off, potentially drying out your paint.


My solution - Replace the caps with golf tees. They seal the tube and slide on and off without the need for threads. Use the smaller ones that are around 1" in length. I found some red,blue,yellow, and white ones - which will help you identify the color family of the tubes -
I have two in use, and a couple more in reserve. They aren't cheap--my SiL used to golf and gave me the ones I have, maybe a friend or friend of a friend (co-worker, etc) or relative can donate to you
I have two in use, and a couple more in reserve. They aren't cheap--my SiL used to golf and gave me the ones I have, maybe a friend or friend of a friend (co-worker, etc) or relative can donate to you
I have two in use, and a couple more in reserve. They aren't cheap--my SiL used to golf and gave me the ones I have, maybe a friend or friend of a friend (co-worker, etc) or relative can donate to you
The ones I used cost a penny apiece - 100 for $9.99 on amazon

but you might want to try these, they look like they have a better taper and would probably give a better fit. Fifty for $6.99

If you're a golfer, those may be great prices. I'm not, and want maybe 5, so they aren't cheap, esp when I can easily recycle used ones. I'd rather spend that money on paint, or a sandwich, or...
Is it really that much money? I think it's worth it, but then again, I would probably need 10-15 or so. The only thing that's a little concerning to me is that it would be messy. I'm not one for getting paint on my fingers. In fact, I'm strongly against it. Ha. I remove my caps very carefully and use a lot of disinfectant wipes on my fingers after putting the pant on my palette. I'm pretty OCD like that. But the tubes that have broken caps I have to stick into little Ziploc baggies so they don't dry out and/or leak on the other paints. Even ones without broken caps will sometime do this and I will store them upright in the bin (plastic caddy) I keep all the tubes in.

Depends on priorities. I don't have 8bucks to spend on a bag of anything that I'll use a teeny-tiny portion of, when a friend can pass a few on to me and suffer no loss (that s/he feels) Messy? I haven't found it so. I don't use the entire T, I cut off a portion of the leg, the "T" part sits-on my 37mm tubes high enough there's no problem due to the shape and height.
I don't understand how one would get their painting tubes in that mess. I actually wear gloves when I paint but even so I don't i also don't have paint long enough as I go through a 200 ml tube fairly quickly. Whatever works. Necessity is the mother of invention.
BTW, gloves don't solve my issue because that would be just as problematic for me, getting paint all over the place (on the canvas, brush handles, etc.) where I don't want it to be. Like I said, I'm pretty tidy when I paint, OCD, anal, meticulous, whatever you want to call it. Many other artists have called me "not really an artist" because of it, which I'm used to, and they are probably right.

I don't understand how you don't understand how painting tubes don't leak sometimes. They just do. They do for me anyway. I don't go through the 150/200ml tubes all that quickly. I use a lot of paint, but I'm careful too. Sometimes the paint isn't totally consistent when it comes out. I'll squirt it out and at times all the thin linseed oil will come out first instead of the thickness of the paint. When the cap goes back on, it will leak out a bit and it sits for a while and gets on the other tubes in the bin. Not a lot, but enough to annoy me a little.

If I stuck a T in there, a bunch of paint would be on the plug part when I pulled it. I can just see it getting all over my fingers, especially when sticking it back into the opening (squirt! Ooooze!) :ROFLMAO:
BTW, gloves don't solve my issue because that would be just as problematic for me, getting paint all over the place (on the canvas, brush handles, etc.) where I don't want it to be.
Exactly. Gloves keep paint off your hands - but not off everything else.

Okay I have an update on caps. Turns out the colored golf tees I recommended aren't that good. They don't make a snug fit. The orange golf tees are better, but not great. So I looked around with stuff I happened to have on hand and found THE PERFECT CAP REPLACEMENT. It's a "wire nut". They're used when you want to put two wires together. They are readily available at Lowes, Home Depot, Amazon, etc. They make a perfect snug fit and stick out enough to grab easily. It's like it was made for it. However NOT ALL
wire nuts are going to work. It has to be the right size and type. So I will find out the brand/size/ costs and report back. As I said these are the absolute perfect replacement.

You can see the difference - between the wire-nut and the golf tees. The larger taper fits snug and the larger" "cap" on top makes it easier to grab.

Wire nuts come in a lot of varieties

None of these work. - too big - wrong top - too small, etc.

BTW you can use them without getting paint on you hands or anything else. Hold the tube in your right hand, take the cap off with your left (keep it in your hand) squeeze out some paint from the tube, then put the cap back on. No fuss, no paint getting on hands or whatever.
All right! This sounds really promising! And I may have them here already. Thank you so much. :)
I save caps from finished tubes and meticulously clean them out. I like the idea of the wire nuts, too.

I'm as careful as I can be putting a cap back on it's tube, and take the time to clean it and the tube threads (including the rest of the tube). I keep the whole tube wiped free of paint, label visible, tube shoulders spotless. Sometimes they do just leak (mostly from the crimp end). I use a pliers or my tube crimper and sometimes that helps, sometimes not so much....plastic bag time. I will put a folded band of paper towel around the crimp of a leaker inside the bag and replace as necessary. I don't wear gloves when I paint or pastel,, however I do wear Artgard or another barrier cream from work. Yes, I am very OCD about my studio and supplies/tools being clean and organized. Its hard for me to work/create in clutter. I see some studios/equipment and I really wonder how the artist can work. I get all discombobulated ..!
Yes, it isn’t that much effort to keep the threads on the tubes and caps clean. If the paint starts getting hard on them, I use a power Dremel with a wire brush to clean the threads.
I save all of the old caps that are not cracked. Some brands are interchangeable, but not all.
Well, after all this cap kerfuffle, remember we still have Cap Ferrat to retreat to for a much-needed rest.