Buried Ruins

Wow Bama Jama, THANK YOU for your detailed compliments and observations on this. That tells a lot for me and gives me another person's natural perspective here. I really value your opinion. ♥️
I've received a lot of interesting feedback on this one, I must say. I find everyone's views...interesting. Honestly, a lot of it is humorous to me, but not in a condescending way or anything like that. I just find some of the questioning funny by some, like the significance of this or that. I feel very open to anyone's interpretations of my art, any art. It's all open to individual feelings, thoughts, and perspectives, always. No one can control what people see or think. It's on them for the most part.

But to be candid (to the other artists here, and as viewers too), not one time did children or kids cross my mind when painting this. Not one time did something terrible come to mind. Nothing "bad" has happened to any children here. It's a typical desert scene with an abandoned bus, as there are many out here. The cake obviously does not "belong" there. It's funny I'd have to explain that.

I got a few sad comments in real life and on Instagram. It's all good to me though. It's fine if it provokes sadness, even though it's an ironic piece. But my gallerist and most people who purchase my work "get it" and see the humor. Some people will like it and some people won't, and that's all fine with me. :) I am just honored to receive the feedback here, and the time it takes to consider the work and write your observations! Thank you all!
Digging it!
Your work is so suggestive, and it’s very own thing. It’s has a slightly surreal, and slightly nostalgic presence. Even if the memories are not my own, I am there contemplating something that has occurred, something whispered, and what is left unsaid. What has gone before? Strong possibilities in the symbolism. There is a strong element of beautiful and relentless nature. Its power to envelope us, the past, and present. What is now? Now can be reflecting, now can be change, now can be stagnent, now can be looking at opportunity, and ahead.
Also, some beautiful decay in the making. Life and adventures start, and peak and decline. It is a cycle. The world is just a stage and we see evidence of some of the actors and some of the action for a time. Then it will disappear, and the land will wait to be trespassed again.
I really like that.
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Thank you. I meant it, and your art inspired the thoughts!
i grew up on a farm and through the woods, across some fields away from everyone, if you knew what trails to follow, was a small dug reservoir. Over the years this single hole, which was football field in size, had filled with rainwater. I am not sure how deep it was. Maybe 25 feet? I think it was used to help collect water when the fields drained. There a ditch or trench on the edge of some of the fields and through the woods leading to this surprise oasis. It ended up being a peaceful pretty place. Undisturbed. In the back of beyond. And what else was there that this kid wanderer found? An abandoned school bus! I am sure it was used at one time to hang out by the water. So it was cool and mysterious, and totally unexpected for this explorer. I would go back on nice days with a friend. Never got into the water. But at 12, it was kind of cool. Our secret discovery! I don’t know who owned the property.
Your piece took me back. 🙂
It's fine if it provokes sadness, even though it's an ironic piece.
From The Frivolous Cake, by Mervyn Peake:

A freckled and frivolous cake there was
That sailed upon a pointless sea,
Or any lugubrious lake there was
In a manner emphatic and free.
How jointlessly, and how jointlessly
The frivolous cake sailed by
On the waves of the ocean that pointlessly
Threw fish to the lilac sky...
This is amazing and as has been written, lots of interpretations can be made. Definitely a thought provoking piece. Keep up the good work!
I can't thank you all enough for the thoughtful (very thoughtful) feedback. PaintBoss, wow, that is so kismet. And Lamar, I loved that Peake piece. Is that poetry or a song? I love it! Thank you Kay, that means so much coming from you. :)