Animal & Wildlife Challenge September 2024

Queen Bee

Well-known member
I need to post the challenge early as I will have limited access to the internet for the next few days.
Hello, and welcome to our monthly ANIMAL & WILDLIFE CHALLENGE.

On the first day of each month various photos and a reference subject
will be provided,

Please choose from the photos or the reference subject provided or both
to create an artwork in any medium.

You can use the photos or reference subject to create any kind of artwork that you like.

Please use only the photos or the reference subject provided.
Please post your artwork starting on the 15th day of the month [This is the 'Reveal Day]

You can continue to post your artwork from the 15th until the end of the month.

- AND, if you wish, any WIP [works in progress] photo’s that you might have
taken while you were doing your artwork and any comments about it.

All photo references are pictures I have taken.

Looking forward to seeing your works of art. Most importantly have fun.

5D0A0491 j.jpg

Ring Tail Lemur


0051 c.JPG

899raw08 jc.jpg

03268 j.jpg


13445 c.JPG

15340 c.JPG

44880 c.JPG
97764 j.jpg

98638 j.jpg

Funny Zdonk 2.jpg

Zdonk (cross between a zebra and a donkey)

GA National Fair 2006 070a.jpg

IMG_0686 jc.jpg


That's all of them. I hope you find something that inspires you.
Beautiful photos. Thanks for hosting 😀
Wonderful photos this month Deborah. You are a talented photographer!

Thanks for hosting.
I have a small sketch almost done! That is due to your wonderful photos.
Vivien, that is wonderful. I especially like the way the BG is so varied and really sets it off well. And, apparently, great minds think alike, as I chose the same and am done early for once!

This is a watercolor, 5 x 7, in a Windsor & Newton 140CP sketchbook. I really like the paper - comparable to Arches. Limited palette was Thalo Blue, Quinacridone Magenta, Indigo, and Sap green.

Well aren’t I lucky seeing 2 wonderful paintings of this beautiful bird. Is it some kind of peacock?
Vivien and Joy, both lovely.
Vivien, I like your bird in the green surroundings.
Joy you captured some of the jewel colours in this bird.
Joy - Beautiful watercolor of the Peacock and I like the way youve got that beautiful irredescance green into his body! We are using similar Sketchbooks. Mine is Windsor & Newton 200gms watercolor A5 size. It takes wet'n'wet washes perfectly and Im thrilled with it.

Christine - Thank you and thanks for hosting this Challenge. Oopps! Sorry it wasnt you it was Queen Bee. Im getting mixed up with the Watermedia Challenge!
Thats ok Vivien. I like popping in even if I don’t have time to participate.🙂
Oh, while I’m here I would like to let everyone know that there’s a sign up for anyone who’s interested in a Christmas card trade down in the Trading Card section. You can paint reindeer if you like! FLYING GLOWING REINDEER! 😁
Please sign up by Sunday night, Sept 15th. It’s always a lot of fun.
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I should have noted it was a peacock.

Vivien - What a coincidence! Your A5 size is a wee bit bigger than my 5 x 7. Mine is 300 gsm, or 140. I, too, love the way it can handle wet washes, as I have a tendency to use too much water. For experimentation, I had bought two cheap but highly rated cellulose sketchbooks, and they have been nothing but a source of frustration for me. I'm only going to use cotton paper for watercolor in the future.
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Vivian-Love your version of the peacock. One of my favorite types of birds.
Joy-Your peacock is beautiful. I am bad about using too much water and not patient at letting layers dry in between.
Hi EP - Lovely work! Like them all but especially the Seahorse, who is peeping into the frame, to see whats going on!