What a gorgeous panda, Joy. i love the eyes and the pink in the fur. Very well done. Watercolour is difficult but you do very well with it. The background foliage is good, too.
Joy, wonderful panda, amazing that it's done with watercolor and on cheap paper, such a fur and all the details, love his expression and the fur, fantastic.
CaliAnn, Joe - Thanks for the encouragement. It is starting to grow on me. Hubby Jerry likes it.
Joe - I like all of the drawings, and the fact that you made the focus the eyes and face area. The expression in the eyes is excellent. That is exactly the way they look in person. Last month, Jerry and I were able to get very close to some lemurs in the Hamilton, Bermuda Zoo. I posted the pix - hope that is ok to do in this thread.
Thank you all. thank you Joy, beautiful their expressions, the look, how they interact with you in the 2 photos, cool. I don't remember ever seeing the lemurs.