Animal and Wildlife Challenge, February 2024

Anne - Kay hosted this month - not me.

I posted to let everyone know that we have run out of monthly hosts.
No one has volunteered to host March or any other month this year.

There are only 4 days left until March - would anyone like to host .

Ok for march.i’m Available for march.
Hi everyone,
So sorry I've been absent - I've been unwell for most of the last two weeks. I started on one of the pictures beofre I had to go away for work, and I'd planned to get a quick one done while I was away, but I just wasn't feeling it.

Viv - thank you for starting us off this month. Gorgeous kitty - I really like how the blue eyes match the background.

E. P. - great sketches, I love the dog.

Sanlynn - I love those ink marks! Great texture. I really like the crop too.

Joe - great work on the dog! Nice sketch of the cat too.

Joy - this is a beautiful portrait. Love the shade on the white fur.

Christel - great work on both! lovely fur on the cat and I really like the blue on the bird.
I think I'll try to publish the post for March on February 28th or 29th, if you agree.

I made these drawings, digital drawings.
I wanted to ask, are they like the previous ones or have I gotten worse?

I didn't draw for about ten days.
Before making these I made two other drawings from other references.
I wanted to ask you, are they okay, especially in the previous ones I could hardly draw, I didn't remember the procedure well but above all my arm felt weak, tired.

5 years ago I had a hard time with it and for a year it was hard for me to lift a pencil and for weights and things I use my left hand so as not to tire it, but I can't draw with my left hand.
I don't know if I have difficulty with my arm or it's just that in recent days I've had to tire it or I'm not used to drawing, especially digitally, in finding my position.

2024-02-27 00-25 1.jpeg
2024-02-27 00-25.jpeg
I think I'll try to publish the post for March on February 28th or 29th, if you agree.

I made these drawings, digital drawings.
I wanted to ask, are they like the previous ones or have I gotten worse?

I didn't draw for about ten days.
Before making these I made two other drawings from other references.
I wanted to ask you, are they okay, especially in the previous ones I could hardly draw, I didn't remember the procedure well but above all my arm felt weak, tired.

5 years ago I had a hard time with it and for a year it was hard for me to lift a pencil and for weights and things I use my left hand so as not to tire it, but I can't draw with my left hand.
I don't know if I have difficulty with my arm or it's just that in recent days I've had to tire it or I'm not used to drawing, especially digitally, in finding my position.

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Joe, your drawings are very good . I especially like the squirrel. You are not getting worse . You are getting better all
the time !!
I think I'll try to publish the post for March on February 28th or 29th, if you agree.

I made these drawings, digital drawings.
I wanted to ask, are they like the previous ones or have I gotten worse?

I didn't draw for about ten days.
Before making these I made two other drawings from other references.
I wanted to ask you, are they okay, especially in the previous ones I could hardly draw, I didn't remember the procedure well but above all my arm felt weak, tired.

5 years ago I had a hard time with it and for a year it was hard for me to lift a pencil and for weights and things I use my left hand so as not to tire it, but I can't draw with my left hand.
I don't know if I have difficulty with my arm or it's just that in recent days I've had to tire it or I'm not used to drawing, especially digitally, in finding my position.

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Joe -it's OK to post March challenge whenever you are able to.
You're definitely not getting worse Joe, these are so good! I especially like your last bird. 🙂
Joe1lt, I really like the cat and dog sketches. The dalmatian in color is great, too. You really captured nice form and gestures in the others. Squirrel looks full of movement. All good!!

Joy, ahhhh, lovely watercolor. You captured the look and shadows.

Christel, the cat looks like "don't look at me". Great work. The bird is outstanding! Love the ink colors.

Anne, your ink/watercolor bird is lovely. Looks soft.