A little "pick-me-up"


Contributing Member
Charcoal on cheap sketching paper. 8x8"
Yesterday I needed a bit of a lift, and this memory popped into my mind, so here it is--a "quicky". My DD's pit bull mix got out of the open gate, and I happened to see him running down the street. I went out to call him, and of course, he should have said "I'M TAKING A HIKE" but he didn't, he just kept going. Well, I'm not able to chase a young dog down the street, but just then an old car was being driven toward us. Two young women jumped out. IS THAT YOUR DOG?
Yes, but I can't chase him.
WE'LL GET HIM FOR YOU and off they went! Then he ran between two houses where they did get his attention.
They rounded him up and chased him back home.
He ran onto the porch, through the door and up the stairs as fast as he could go where he turned around and laid down, feet hanging over, He looked scared and happy to be safe!
I haven't seen the young women again.

Aw, that's a great story, and your charcoal sketch is nicely illustrative of it! Kindness of strangers. ❤️

He was probably wiped out after that adventure!