WIP- Toyon berries


Active member
Hi all- I thought for my first painting upload here at CS, I would post a WIP so you all could follow along with me!

I work from life, so this a branch from a berry bush I have in my front yard that I setup on my still-life stand. This is an easel shot.

I always start with an underpainting to establish form and values- usually using raw umber and Gamsol, sometimes I use burnt umber. From here, today I'll be applying color on top matching the value of the color work to the established values you see here. We'll see what happens!

Questions and comments welcome!

6"x8" Claessens #66 linen mounted on birch panel.
BarbA_01.31.2025_Toyon underpainting.jpg
I appreciate seeing WIP photos so thank you for posting them. It does look good so far! I think your strong light source will make this quite dramatic.
Toyon berry painting.jpg

Not the best photo, but pretty close... but the photo doesn't show the depth in the shadows. As a note, the background didn't turn out quite as I hoped- it's much more refined, I was hoping to keep the background thinner and more sketchy. But on to the next painting...

The purpose of this study was to try a new color on my limited split primary palette: chromium oxide green. Verdict: Yes, it's a keeper!

I used a pretty limited palette: Chromium Oxide Green, UMB, Permanent Alizarin, touch of Cadmium Red medium, Cadmium Yellow Medium and a bit of Cadmium Lemon Yellow in the lightest areas only. The background and table areas were mixed using UMB, Cad yellow medium, permanent crimson and a bit of cadmium red medium. Because Chromium oxide green is opaque, I reserved using it for the leaves.

Questions and comments welcome, but I'm not going to make any changes- on to the next painting!
Thanks for showing the underpainting too. It turned out nicely, good light! ❤️