old man
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11 x 13 oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted dec 11/22
Hopefully this will answer Terri's question about having the best of reference photos to work from.
So here we go. First we get out photo:
Then I removed the viewer left top branch and cut it down to size. I then turn it to black and white:
Next I turn it into a 4 value notan.
As you can see I have changed a few values in a few places but basically this is the picture I want to work on.
So next I need a detailed drawing for my painting support. So as you can see my idea of detail and yours could be very different.
Then the fun part. Applying the paint. I look at my photo and see the colors. Ok, so I see cool and warm yellows, blue, a little red. My palette of Lemon Yellow, Indian Yellow, Prussian Blue, Permanent Rose, and White will get me anything I need. I don't try to match color as the colors in the photo are mostly bull---- anyway so I mainly get a homer warm and cold yellow/green, yellow/red for the field, green for the evergreens, grays for the distant hills and sky. I then get a brush and apply the homer colors staying with the values of my notan. Only after filling in the notan do I start applying more color to the painting. Adding light and shadow, etc. I alter the values or rearrange them according to how I feel the painting is moving. I muck with it till I get a tree in a field. As you can see, it is not the photo as the photo is strictly a starting point.
black and white 4 value of the painting: changed but still much the same in spirit as my notan ..
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