Winsor & Newton Artist oil paints more Fluid?


Well-known member
I don't get many W&N colours any more, but my latest two tubes of Raw Umber greenish seem very runny. It's a colour I bought for years from them. Are they using a different formulation? I'm only a sample size of one so seeking other experiences of this brand with the latest tube designs.
Don't think many here must use Winsor & Newton anymore. Perhaps they're too expensive for what you get. While not being tippy top tier.

I've never seen a shop here in New Zealand that sells Gamblin. We do get a good, but cheap brand from Australia called Art Spectrum. The fact that they're ALMOST made locally must drop the price to make them a logical purchase, and the Gamblin would be the same in the US.
I grew up using Winsor & Newton, so by force of habit have just kept on using their paints. I find their Griffin alkyds particularly useful for my experiments, since they are faster than traditional oils, but give me more time than acrylics to push them around. Mud, cow dung, and sand would probably work equally well to give the grungy look I am married to.
Yes, Gamblin is out of Portland, OR, so I would guess they wouldn't be easily available in Australia. I just like the brand's colors a lot and have been using them for many, many years. :)