


12x9 watercolor on Bristol 100 lb paper. A limited palette underpainting was done first with Prussian blue, alizarin crimson, and quinacridone gold over pencil drawing. Next the darks of windmill blades and parts was painted using UB, quin burnt orange, burnt sienna, carbazole violet, indigo, sepia, quin violet, periwinkle blue; warm colors used to indicate rust. Tree limbs were a dark mix of burnt sienna and UB. A mix of aureolin yellow, quin gold, Prussian blue, UB, indigo was used for leaves. When dry, splattering of Halloween orange and a dark mixed green was done.
What a pleasant beauty, done with excellent execution.
Thanks for the detailed info.
I love this one Kay! Thanks for sharing your palette and process with us. I love how the colours blend together on the blades.
Wow! I sure love your style of painting Kay. I have not heard of quinacridone...I am behind the times.

This is wonderful.
Thank you all. The quinacridones are fairly transparent for the most part. Quin burnt orange took the place of burnt sienna and is much richer.
Kay, phenomenal! Range of colors, freshness and overall aesthetic are laudable. You are so talented. Depending on my mood, viewing the works here is either inspirational or depressing, as my skills do not seem to be progressing.
Love the peach blush in the right corner in contrast with the greens. Not an easy subject and gorgeous.