White Iris


Well-known member
Okay, well, I've been working on this for awhile but was never happy because I couldn't get the blooms shadowed appropriately against that very, very dark bkg- in order to make them melt into that bkg, I had to darken them to the point they were no longer white, not to mention, most such shadows have a blue tint and I really tire of blue shadows.
So, I ended up going expressionist, which finally worked on the background and blooms, so I kept it going into the vase, especially and a bit into the seashells. Pastels work really well for expressionism: If the value is right, the colour doesn't matter.

So, there's pink, yellow, lavender and turquoise white iris.

Neither black, gray or white used- the darkest darks are sticks of very dark green/blue/purple layered over and over each other; the lights are light yellows and pinks, mostly, with a few turquoises. The lightest white slash on the cloth is actually a very light turquoise-ish stick- against the faintly grayed-yellow and purple-y shadows and such, its cool light looks white.

Cell phone pic somewhat adjusted in Paintshop, although after reading up on the Pixel camera, I discovered even RAW gets compressed somewhat- which doesn't thrill me. But, it's as done as it is going to be (except I will drop a shadow on the middle right bits of the front right shell- it needs more foreshortening there).


  • whiteirisfin.jpg
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What an elegant still life! Your solution to the white iris was a good one. They have a lot of life in them and their shadowed parts are so well done. Everything looks so good against the dark background!
Thanks- it came very close too many times to tell to being unceremoniously binned. I've grounded the vase more and deepened the shadowing on the right front shell.

I think it worked, in the end, but it was a close thing.
I think this turned out really well! I love the delicacy of those petals, all those colours are wonderful and I like the choice of a dark background.
Thank you, @Terri , I had to work on those edges to make the petals melt into that bkg. I usually try to gray the different hues to make them more temperature-neutral, but just wasn't going to put that much effort into something that was deliberately taunting me- they stayed colorful despite themselves!

Thank you, @Jo Castillo - persistence is one label; bloody-minded stubbornness is another. I was just not having it- it would work or be binned! It seems to have capitulated. 😉 🙃 ;)

Thank you, Kay- I appreciate your comments. It was a tussle, but at least it is over. It may be a set up I need to revisit some- it is so very challenging- and I do not like to lose such challenges.

Thank you @snoball - you saw what happened to the first one- and I made sure I left it right there so this next one could see it from its place on the easel. This one knew the consequences of being uncooperative from the beginning!
So, I ended up going expressionist. ...Pastels work really well for expressionism: If the value is right, the colour doesn't matter.
Hi JStar. Now I think your praise of my efforts is even greater appreciated. This is beautiful work. You definition is great. Regardless of your own concerns, I really like it. A lot of work here to take in.
It's always easy to see what's good in a work- I'm not one to praise for no reason. You have a good eye and a solid understanding of composition- with those two strengths, you're already good.
Very lovely. It is dark and moody like the old masters.
Thank you- I appreciate your thoughts.

If I could get as good as Rembrandt at chiaroscuro, letting an element just melt away into the dark, I'd be thrilled.

I've not enough time left for that, though.
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Just stunning JStarr! So sophisticated and detailed. I love the pink details in the white and all the subtle colors. You can see all the careful attention and skill in this. Just beautiful, stellar work here. ♥️
Just stunning JStarr! So sophisticated and detailed. I love the pink details in the white and all the subtle colors. You can see all the careful attention and skill in this. Just beautiful, stellar work here. ♥️
Thank you- I appreciate your compliment.

It sold yesterday- I was a bit taken aback because, while I saw some good parts, I was not terrifically chuffed with the whole. But, there you are- it's off the easel and safe in glassine.

And I did a quickie landscape today of Sedona- a friend went there a couple weeks ago and took some spectacular photos; I asked to use one, and did an okay job for someone who really and truly sucks at landscapes. It's maybe my best- still too stiff, but I've not yet binned it.

Always a plus.
Congratulations on the sale. Now you can just get in and make another similar. ;)