What have I done!


Well-known member
I just bought a vintage Maybeth half-box French easel. I already have imo the perfect Plein Air set-up. But few things can compete with the heritage and aesthetics of the half-box. (Ian Roberts for chrissake lugged one across Europe for 10 years while he wrote Mastering Composition). And new ones are kindling compared to the quality and craftsmanship of vintage models.

But here's the sick part. Will I use it? Probably like every third Sunday (so to speak) but my daily driver will remain the Yarka - for utility nothing (imo) can compete with it. Will I display it in my studio? I would if I had room - I don't. So what will become of it - after I'm done bragging and showing off and have become a bore? It will sit in my closet mostly, while I sit at my desk mostly, admonishing myself for having bought it, and ruminating on selling it (which I never will).
If you can afford it, why not? You never do know what you will end up doing with it. If even every month that's still a lot of use added up over many years. Don't fret, paint!
Sounds to me like you just bought yourself a toy - and now you think you have to justify it. You don't!

Instead of asking yourself what you'll do with it and how much you'll use it, ask yourself if you can still buy food and keep the lights on. ;) If the answer is No, then *maybe* there's an issue. But somehow I don't think there is.

Enjoy your beautiful, handsome, well-crafted French easel! It sounds amazing.

My only issue here is there's no photo of it. So mean. :(
You work hard at painting and deserve to have whatever tools and materials you want! If there's ever a problem with your Yarka you will have a stand-by easel ready to go. I'd like to see a photo of this beauty too!
I would really like to see your fancy new piece of equipment, could you please post a picture of it?
You guys make some good points -

Zen - I know all about G.A.S. (gear acquisition syndrome) - Fortunately or unfortunately I've been pretty much free from it because I never have the money to play. Instead I have G.L.S. (gear lust syndrome).

Terri, this purchase is not going to cut into my grocery budget --but - there is something called opportunity cost. Because I bought this I don't have the money (opportunity) to buy that. So I try to abide by Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.


The Mabef is scheduled to arrive Dec.22 - so I'll post pictures then.
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Bongo, buying yourself a higher quality piece of equipment, you have promoted yourself a few steps up in the art world. You've enlarged your vision of yourself to make better art. It will happen. :)

I've got a few old classic film cameras that way, didn't need them, didn't need to spend the money, but having them inspired and widened my awareness about seeing and taking pictures. GAS satisfied.
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You guys make some good points -

Zen - I know all about G.A.S. (gear acquisition syndrome) - Fortunately or unfortunately I've been pretty much free from it because I never have the money to play. Instead I have G.L.S. (gear lust syndrome).

Terri, this purchase is not going to cut into my grocery budget --but - there is something called opportunity cost. Because I bought this I don't have the money (opportunity) to buy that. So I try to abide by Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

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The Mabef is scheduled to arrive Dec.22 - so I'll post pictures then.
No one's mentioned Maslow's pyramid around me since Psychology 101! I love it! 🤣

...and I'm looking forward to the pictures!
I forgot this is where I first posted about the easel and made a new post under Studio Tips called "forensic engineering"
Without rehashing that post -- I got the easel and it's beautiful - there was a problem with it that I fixed, and that was also what probably kept the original owner from using it much. As near as I can tell (based on the logo) it's about 50 years or more old. (still in excellent condition) -

the logo on my box (engraved not stenciled)

In 1974 Mabef moved to a new factory and changed their name from M.a.b.e.f. to MABEF and changed the logo to:
new logo.jpg

Hoping to take some pictures of it in action in the field, but if the weather doesn't let up soon, I'll take some indoors and post that.'
looks like I'm not going to get out for a while so I posted some pictures of it, under "Mabef half box (saga)" in the Studio Tips forum - seems like that is a more appropriate place.. Thanks everyone