ReHash ..


old man

AA Art Is Art.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Jan 15/24
Yesterday I decided to make a cleaner version of and older piece I had done and so I did. After finsihing it I'm not sure what to thing. They are a little different but I didn't get too far away from the older version. I had intended to have a lot less lines but that didn't happen. I do like the brighter colorful look though. I'm a day behind on posting because I like the paintings to sit about 24 hours for the wax to take effect and make the piece quite matte so it is easier to post. Tomorrow I will post a piece I did today. It was rendered from my own photograph but influenced by the look of the Charles Eaton as per Terri.
I remember this one , Wayne, and like the new version as well. It’s interesting to me that the original, less colorful one has more of a contemplative feeling but that’s me reading into it. There’s nothing that says you can’t have deep thoughts with bright colors! I look forward to seeing how Charles Eaton influenced you.
Thanks Donna .. I guess I would call this one a colourful interlude. I watch a few more videos on America Tonalism and I can't find anything close to what I originally read. Perhaps I was asleep and dreamed it. Anyway, I don't like the idea of total tonalism as I've read today and watch a few demos. The discription and the demos I watch were more like a more finished blockin using one color. Push it in and rub it out. I think my original concept was more in line with how I think a painting should go even though I'm not exactly linear I do like the odd line to bring the eyes attention to a specific item in the scene. I guess the problem is when to use them and how many. Anyway, I didn't like the overly dark stuff anyway. Now I have to go find that video of Ingress as he had a few winter scenes that were really good.
without knowing which is which,(I don’t remember seeing it before) I like the second one much the best. Both tell a story.❤️
I very much like both versions- but definitely think you improved on the background with this newer one. Love the brighter blue! But overall, I think I'm with Sno on liking the second/first :LOL: (I'm getting confused!) version with the figure a little less dominant.
A fun exercise. I like both. I'm not very philosophical about art, I just like painting and drawing.
I love this! I like the bottom one best of these two. It's a great concept, and your technique is always inspiring. ♥️