What art supplies have you bought recently?


128 Ml .. or 8 x 16 oz jars which sell for 41 Plus a jar. This gallon was $218.00 so worth ordering for the savings of !00.00 bucks.
I don't spare it as I use it quite liberally.
My latest art supply purchases were a 16-color Prang watercolor set and a set of inexpensive brushes for my great-grand-daughter who just graduated from kindergarten and will start first grade in the fall. My oldest daughter is her grandmother and I was the guilty party for getting her grandma started with watercolors. She then passed on the encouragement to my grand-daughter who is now infatuated with watercolors. So it's a multigenerational watercolor storm I've lit.
I just moved into a new house after being in limbo a bit and with some cash from the old house got to buy new supplies, and will go back for a second time to Micheal’s. I have a large 6”x13” (probably bigger) at least canvas roll I got a year/two ago I’m using to make a painting. I am going to document the making of it with pictures and videos. Have to get better at photoing/videoing.. I’m getting my partner too.. now that I think abt it. Can’t wait to use the different mediums and varnish, read a library book abt it and am stoked. Got a lot of prepping to do before I paint on the roll, you got a word abt what I should get in my next shopping spree? Can spend a few 100!


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That looks like an exciting haul! I have many of the similar products (great for collage work, too). Have you given a look at the Golden Open line of acrylics? Just like regular only they have extended dry time, which if one works as slowly as I do (cough) is a real benefit. The little sets come with a small bottle of additional extended (I've not needed to use it) which can be used across all the Golden acrylics lines, so we're told by Golden.

Yummy looking set of brushes, and also that Liquitex heavy-bodied set looks tempting.

You've done well! Congrats on the new home. ❤️
St. Luke, loving the progression of this painting of yours. I’ve been watching your stuff for years, so I know of the ladies. But this one, I’m really taking too it even more than usual. Definitely want to see how that turns out!
Well, my health got so bad and it became obvious i would not use a lot of my supplies. I probably could’ve opened the store with all the stuff. Plus we had to move so we needed to reduce all our belongings. I gave some for very cheap to other artists especially fine art students in my local university. I sold all my medium large canvases and they were huge gallery wrapped beautifully braced canvases. When I say huge, like 3x 4‘ and 4 x 4‘ .Gave away $1000 worth of oil painting supplies that I never use because of my breathing-most of them are hardly touched if open at all. That lady was happy. But my canvases I bought them at 50% off and I sold them at that price so I didn’t lose money anyways. And I had to move so I had to give away my art books so I donated them to a school with a lot of arts and they were happy to get them.
It was hard. I was sick of my family thought I should get rid of everything which I thought was crazy because as you all will appreciate, it felt like giving away the essence of me. Then after a horrible time, i started to get a little better. I’ve done a few smaller pieces. It’s hard for me to sit or raise my arms. I’ve done things slowly, but I’ve done a few things from in and out of bed. So naturally Canvases were on sale and I said I wanted one. A big one! Amazingly my family agreed and went along with it because they had to go get it and haul it home and the SUV could barely hold my huge canvas. Hubby wheeled me in to the back of the store - i was in heaven-and we picked something out. They had to take me home before they could go back and get the canvas. We all couldn’t fit in the vehicle otherwise! Lol.
I got 50% off gallery wrapped. That is Hope personified right there. I’m pretty excited about it. I don’t care if it takes me forever to get it done. I don’t care if I have to walk over and do two minutes and walk away. Lay down. Repeat later. I’ve done that before. You can still get to the finish line. It just takes a lot of patience!
48”x60” BABY!🥳
I have several directions this could go, so I have to figure out what I want to do with this canvas. And then I have to wait till I can open the windows with the weather so I can glaze.
So lovely to see these new supplies from everyone!

Congrats on the new place MissHipp! It's so fun to go into an art supply store with a boatload of money. I've experienced that twice in my life. Do you have a new room to make art in too?

I'm pretty stocked up for now, so I have nothing to share right now. But you never know. I have a sale coming in, so I might spend some of it on a little something-something.
I finally bit the bullet and paid up for two nice flat wash brushes. I was trying to follow an artist and she was using these. They come to a nice straight edge. I've been trying to make cheap goat hair hakes do the same thing but they are just too floppy to stay straight and they have no spring. The thing that really pushed me to bite the bullet is this video of it absorbing water. They really do, and the difference they make with mark making is pretty big.

And once again, I should have just paid up for a few good things rather than a bunch of cheap cruddy things. I have way too many cheap brushes.

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Recently purchased supplies from art store clearance:

24 pan Pastels for $3ea. Some are shattered. Sometimes I resolidify these, but mostly use them as is.
11 assorted Ampersand boards, sizes 8x10, 11x14 and 16x20. $3, $5 and $8 each. A few corner chips.
7 Ampersand floater frames, sizes 8x10, 11x14, 14x18 and 16x20.$8, $11, $15 and $18 each. No packaging.
3 bags of Ampersand framing hardware. $3ea. Separated from junked frames.
I’m closing in on the completion of my current painting/drawing. I ran out to Blick’s art supplies and picked up a slew of pastel pencils to make sure I had enough to finish the flowers in the painting. I wish I had one of the old milk cartons I used to use in my studio. It is awkward working on the bottom of paintings without being able to raise the painting up high enough. I used to sit on a milk crate with a pillow in order to better work on the bottom… but of course, I’m not in my 20s any more so standing up after being in such a low position can be challenging… especially when I haven’t been to the gym for some time. :confused: I can always work on the bottom by turning the painting upside-down… but I’m not sure how well this would play out. As I’m a day away from beginning the rendering of the figure I picked up a slew of pastel pencils for the flesh tones.
I got a very large palette painting knife. I want to do some large impasto paintings with it. Inspired by Richard Mussgrave Evans.

Looks like the same knife he is using here. Now all I need is his skills. He makes it look easy.

I’m closing in on the completion of my current painting/drawing. I ran out to Blick’s art supplies and picked up a slew of pastel pencils to make sure I had enough to finish the flowers in the painting. I wish I had one of the old milk cartons I used to use in my studio. It is awkward working on the bottom of paintings without being able to raise the painting up high enough. I used to sit on a milk crate with a pillow in order to better work on the bottom… but of course, I’m not in my 20s any more so standing up after being in such a low position can be challenging… especially when I haven’t been to the gym for some time. :confused: I can always work on the bottom by turning the painting upside-down… but I’m not sure how well this would play out. As I’m a day away from beginning the rendering of the figure I picked up a slew of pastel pencils for the flesh tones.

or keep something you can pull yourself up with
I’m starting some paintings with big “futuristic” faces but they’ll also have some mixed media bits. I’m not exactly sure how to do this but I know I don’t want cutesy or whimsical or scrapbooky so…so far it’s me standing over the (3) 40x20 canvases that I just got from Dick Blick, moving stuff across the surface and going….hmmmm. Or yuck.

Instead of sitting on the floor as I usually do, I set up a temporary folding table which is better on my back. I already had all these oddball little bits and pieces which were accumulated over the years and I need to get rid of them! So while I wait for the final stuff from Michael’s to arrive (which I hope isn’t going to be a big waste of money), I continue to crack this nut.

the silly doodads on their way:
  • silver and gold fabric scraps
  • 2 jars of modeling paste
  • 1 jar of matte ModPodge
  • steampunk chipboard flowers
  • pack of patterned paper
  • grab bag of brown and gold charms
  • adhesive paper cutouts
