I’m closing in on the completion of my current painting/drawing. I ran out to Blick’s art supplies and picked up a slew of pastel pencils to make sure I had enough to finish the flowers in the painting. I wish I had one of the old milk cartons I used to use in my studio. It is awkward working on the bottom of paintings without being able to raise the painting up high enough. I used to sit on a milk crate with a pillow in order to better work on the bottom… but of course, I’m not in my 20s any more so standing up after being in such a low position can be challenging… especially when I haven’t been to the gym for some time.

I can always work on the bottom by turning the painting upside-down… but I’m not sure how well this would play out. As I’m a day away from beginning the rendering of the figure I picked up a slew of pastel pencils for the flesh tones.