Monday is the start of the teaching year… the first day with students… as well as a full moon. Our principal also wrangled the district CEO into showing up on day one so we must be on our toes and dressed for the day. In spite of this I’ve spent most of today working on my recent painting. It looks done… but I usually keep the most recent work up for weeks… even months… while working out ideas for the next piece. During this time I often make numerous slight adjustments… a few marks here or there that likely no one but me would notice. In this instance I find myself still uncertain as to the subject matter. Is she Flora? Or is she Eve? She could go either way. For a while I was thinking of making her Isabella from Keats’ and Boccaccio’s tale of Isabella and the Pot of Basil… but I decided instead of Basil to go with reddish flowers down below to mirror those above.
Formally, the painting is constructed from a pair of complimentary colors: Orange & Blue and Red & Green. Now I’m pondering what I will do next. Ideas that I am mulling around in my head include Alice in Wonderland, Scheherazade, Isabella, etc… all from books I am currently reading. In theory, this school year should be less stressful as I don’t need to worry about observations thanks to my evaluations from last year… so I might be able to get some work done during the school year. I might also note that I lost a lot of potential work time last year as a result of my wife spending almost 2 weeks in the hospital due to pneumonia.
Tomorrow I’ll be spending all my time making posters for school: Art Elements, Principles of Design, Procedures, etc… as well as seating charts. I’ll likely not spend much time at all thinking about… let alone working on my Art. But after months on a piece I’ve always had several weeks of down time when I usually spend my free time cleaning and organizing my work space.
For those who might be interested, this painting/drawing measures 55” Tall by 33” Wide (not including the 1 1/2” border taped all around).
It is mixed media on heavy weight primed paper.
The media includes: pastel, acrylic paint, pastel pencils, colored pencils, and gold leaf.