What are you up to?

Hi đź‘‹ first post to this thread..
I’m stuck in a hotel moving states. Going to rent a car and either change hotels on Tuesday or go to MI and visit a farm my friend owns. My house is supposed to sell soon so I can get out of this situation.
I’m waiting to watch Guilded Age season 2 premiere and am training my new puppy (11 weeks?) to bite toys and not me.
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Hi! Your puppy is adorable! Hope you get out of the hotel soon. Moving is hard!
Hi đź‘‹ first post to this thread..
I’m stuck in a hotel moving states. Going to rent a car and either change hotels on Tuesday or go to MI and visit a farm my friend owns. My house is supposed to sell soon so I can get out of this situation.
I’m waiting to watch Guilded Age season 2 premiere and am training my new puppy (11 weeks?) to bite toys and not me.
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Cute puppy- likely very smart. Will need LOTS of positive reinforcement and "chores". Like kids that way, eh?
Where in MI? I have family in Houghton Lake, Mt Pleasant, near and in Holland, Lansing, (I was born there) and around-about Detroit. Beautiful fall, good luck with winter- most in the mitten aren't as horrible as, like, in the UP
No one has any idea where the seed came from, but my landlady had some Zimbabwean workers here doing a building project for her, so maybe they did more than just build. Anyway, this started growing in a heap of soil in the garden here:


Now while I post this in this thread, do not conclude that this is in fact "what I am up to." My pot smoking days are many years behind me, and we're keeping the plant just for the novelty, and because it's actually a quite attractive plant. :D
So what have I been doing? Chores. Lots of chores. Moved winter/summer clothing, which is always so iffy--- today, for instance, is @80 degrees and sunny- a breeze keeps things interesting, but not cool. It's Clean Sheet Day! which is always wonderful, but is balance-intensive (do you know how many times I have to go all the way around the bed on Clean Sheet Day!? Many--- many times) and it is warm and dry so my now-washed-and-put-away bedding only took an hour-fifteen to dry- for free 'cause it was on the line.

But the left hip is cranky which likely means a change in things- not winter, just a cool front or a trough passing through.

I have a piece on the easel, a still-life landscape; it'll be slow going so I don't get caught up in every leaf. Should work, though.

Should. Hopefully should. Since I managed to get the winter/summer clothes done, I need to keep my promise to myself and clean the windows in the breakfast nook where the bird, a small, maroon-bellied conure named Carl, lives. Don't get a bird- they are incredibly messy creatures. Like small, feral children who can draw blood if they bite. And they live for about a quarter century. Carl is about 21 now....

This is what's going- I thought I could use blocks of colour instead of dotty-dashes, but it looks clumsy that way because I have trouble holding a small enough bit of pastel. So dots it is. I toned the paper in a complement-ish hue, and would love to have it peek through some but so far, having to adjust the blocks into dots has made that not possible on the left.

Ah, well- onward we go, eh?

Happy rest of Monday day, and to a few, perhaps Good Tuesday morning!


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We need a picture of Carl!
He eats 'real' food- chicken is a favorite, as is rare beef. Eggs, bananas, apples, green peas, peppers, raspberries, strawbs, carrot matchsticks, cooked rice and pasta, granola, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, banana bread, Fritos, any juice- he eats food. But, see, birds don't put food in their mouths and swallow, no, they masticate and spit out what they don't like; for instance, Carl likes strawberries, but only THE SEEDS. So he picks them off the strawberry, and spits out- which is actually more like the way a dog shakes his head and flings drool all over- the juice which is now mixed with bird 'spit' which is sticky.

So EVERYTHING within a few feet of his cage is able to get sticky non-swallowed bits of bird food on it. All day. Every day.

Don't get a bird.


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He's such a pretty boy! ❤️

And clearly, he's a highly intelligent bird, too. I'm reading the list of this delicious food you're serving him - he has you so well-trained! ;)
He's tired and grouchy today- some days are like that.

Seed is like feeding a kid brownies every meal- yup, there's egg, flour and fat, and a boatload of sugar- it's enough to live on, but not really nutritious. There's this kibble stuff, but Carl won't touch it, and honestly- it's like feeding your kid Ensure every meal for the entirety of childhood- all the nutrients, none of the positive advantages of food.

So, started feeding Carl granola- then fruit, then peppers (he LOVES pepper seeds) then scrambled egg-- stuff which was made of the nutrients tropical birds eat- not doing the meal worm thing, or catching him bugs, but I can human food those nutrients.

He's never been ill (we've lost two to illness- birds have delicate pulmonary systems) and he's about 21- going to be 22 soon. That's pretty good.

Plus, it doesn't matter what you feed them as far as mess- birds are messy. The seed is seed and hulls all over, the kibble stuff is either literally thrown out of the eating area, or bitten in half and mostly dropped, or washed in whatever liquid is in the cage then dripped wherever the bird flings it- birds are messy.

Much as I despise the mess, it will be hard to lose another creature.
Hi Carl! Hi Jae!

Do birds get fat? I’m amazed that a bird will eat that much human food but of course, I know nothing about them. Do they talk/squawk all day and if so, how do you get them to…hush? Does he ever get to fly outside his cage somewhere or flap his wings because 21 years is a long time to be in one small place, right? I’d go nuts but then again, I’m not a bird. And..how does a tired and grouchy bird act and what is he tired and grouchy about?

Inquiring minds want to know.

(And PS…I LOVE clean sheet day, too).
Hi Carl! Hi Jae!

Do birds get fat? I’m amazed that a bird will eat that much human food but of course, I know nothing about them. Do they talk/squawk all day and if so, how do you get them to…hush? Does he ever get to fly outside his cage somewhere or flap his wings because 21 years is a long time to be in one small place, right? I’d go nuts but then again, I’m not a bird. And..how does a tired and grouchy bird act and what is he tired and grouchy about?

Inquiring minds want to know.

(And PS…I LOVE clean sheet day, too).
Clean Sheet Day is THE BEST!

I suppose birds can get fat- think of chickens when you are trimming them up for your own meal; for the first ten or so years of Carl's life, we clipped his wings, and he was out of his cage as much as in- rode on shoulders, climbed in small bushes by the porch or patio, skittered around in the car-- got his exercise. And, we ALWAYS had a BIG cage for any birds- his current one is @2.5' x 2.5'x 3.5' and he is the only bird; there are sticks (from old apple trees in Wa State and the "iron wood" which is Madrona, here) and a rope coil and coconut shell dangling- lots of things to climb on and visit during his day. So he has to move around to get to his food- just like in the wild. He's been what is called "wing-bound" for most of his life- even though he's not been clipped for years, he can flap and make some forward progress, but he is going to hit the ground sooner or later.

Since he has no experience "being a bird" he has no idea what he is 'missing'; if you could ask him, he ain't missing a thing. Tired and grouchy means exactly that- he dozes more (he has a 'tent' thing he uses at night and sidles up to in the day to nap against) and makes grouchy muttering noises if something happens he doesn't like- a dove lands in the tree outside the window, or I run the vacuum or the mixer- or I bump the cage trying to clean all the bird stuff from under and around the cage. Grouchy- same as you or I. His eyes are round when he's not grouchy.

Starting in about 2013, my Dear Husband started collecting dogs. Dogs-dogs-dogs- we had FIVE DOGS and some are/were terrier types- hunters of wriggly things. So Carl was no longer allowed out. The biggest dog was Lukas, the 170 lb English Mastiff- Carl would've been a mere canape to Lukas. They had an uneasy relationship as Lukas wanted to be able to get to all the bits and bobs Carl dropped to the bottom of the cage, and Carl wanted to bite Lukas; each acting appropriately for their species. We have had to say good-bye to a dog every year for the past three years, which has been sad, but also a sigh of relief for me- I'm the one who has had to take care of all the animals (DH has, until recently, been the most chauvenistic-in-action man around; he can *talk* a good story, he just couldn't *act* a good story). We are now down to two dogs (both small froo-froo type dogs) and Carl. DH is not allowed to get another animal.

And DH now feeds and cares for the dogs a couple days a week (he does it 'wrong', but I don't even sigh- he's doing it; that's what matters. Besides, they're DOGS- they would eat poop if they wanted) and I still do Carl because Carl is older and fratchety and he and I know the routine to get food where it goes inside the cage so Carl can climb and swing and scoot all over the cage, top to bottom and on every side, to get his food).

As far as becoming fat, I think, given exercise such as climbing all over the cage, and the propensity of birds to fling over half of what they eat all over the place, gaining a lot of weight would be unusual. Either that or Carl's got a really fast metabolism (also true- all birds do. Huh- that's probably it).

I'm telling you- messy creatures- don't be seduced by the idea. Like raccoons that way- great idea, bad reality.
Thanks. That was something fun and interesting to read. But no, I’ve never thought of getting a bird. Most of them have beady eyes, and funny-looking legs. I think of their legs (ALL bird legs) as having saggy yellow skin with little hairs on them ending in scary retractable claws. They have beaks that are pointy and can poke eyes out. But again…I don’t know much about real birds.

I know they’re a pretty part of the world though, and as winged creatures, not without their charms. I have a small bird house collection but they’re not cutesy and whimsical….more rustic and earthy as if “a bird built it by themselves.” I have a few decorative bird doodads around the house that I like. Although I’m not a big meat eater and was vegetarian for decades, now I’ll sometimes eat turkey and chicken (ohoh…birds only!) but if I think too hard about it, I’ll gross myself out. Eating animals does that to me.

So I’m sure real-life pet birds have personalities all their own and you love them as part of your family and they bring you all kinds of joy and entertainment and I’m glad Carl is in the world living a good life in old AZ.

And now…I’m done with my human squawking.
Bye Jae! Bye Carl!
I felt the same way about eggs- especially when pregnant- I still don't think about what I am eating when it's eggs.

Weird, really- but there it is.

Show us your bird houses- I find them very intriguing (especially given the poorly constructed dove nests here! See through from underneath!)
I love Carl the Conure! And I love the piece you're working on that's on your easel. That's a beautiful landscape. Even if you left it as is!

I do like conures. I once had a Lorie (lorikeet) named Jaco. He could have lived some 75-80 years, but he did die young after I sold him to a friend a few years after I had him. He was accidentally poisoned. :( I had him for two years in my mid-twenties, and I couldn't keep him because I was on the road too often. He was such a character! He'd play fetch, sing along to the radio (oldies mostly), and copy some interesting things I'd say. I didn't like it when he'd mock my laugh, though. He was super funny, cuddly, and beautiful. It was sad that he died, and he did bite me once when I went to visit him. I always wondered if he was mad at me that I sold him off.

But I prefer dogs for sure.
I love Carl the Conure! And I love the piece you're working on that's on your easel. That's a beautiful landscape. Even if you left it as is!

I do like conures. I once had a Lorie (lorikeet) named Jaco. He could have lived some 75-80 years, but he did die young after I sold him to a friend a few years after I had him. He was accidentally poisoned. :( I had him for two years in my mid-twenties, and I couldn't keep him because I was on the road too often. He was such a character! He'd play fetch, sing along to the radio (oldies mostly), and copy some interesting things I'd say. I didn't like it when he'd mock my laugh, though. He was super funny, cuddly, and beautiful. It was sad that he died, and he did bite me once when I went to visit him. I always wondered if he was mad at me that I sold him off.

But I prefer dogs for sure.
Only birds learn to "talk" more easily than birds with other birds. Carl has had a vocabulary which included good morning, good night, bye-bye, be right back, big noise (for the vacuum, mostly) peek-a-boo, apple, takin' a bath, that's hot and a kissing noise followed by that's hot. He still has those phrases, although doesn't use them as much; he lived with other birds between getting those words and now.

I am sorry you lost your Lorikeet- they are playful and funny little birds, too. I think, should I ever live alone again, I'd likely get a cat- far more my style: You leave me alone, I'll leave you alone, and once a day, we'll meet up for tea....