I won't be arbitrary about it, you pronounce it any way you like.I object to "'catsup"! I have known it as ketchup for fifty years, I can't handle such a radical change this late in the day.
Haaa haI had a dream. I had a dream I had sex with my partner.
That was weird.
Was there ketchup involved?
speaking of 'erbs... where does the 'h' in thyme go?Why is it that Americans drop the 'H'
for the word 'herbs'?
Thyme flies like the wind, fruit flies like a banana.speaking of 'erbs... where does the 'h' in thyme go?
We have ravens over my neighborhood, they get playful and do things like that, barrel-rolling and such.Ravens flipping over in flight and coasting on their backs for no apparent reason. Totally weirded me out the first time I saw that.