My dilemma is that the painting in question has not actually sold, but because it's a holiday small works show, it still may. If so, I'll need to have it ready for transport to the exhibit location and its new owner. But it's a fairly recent painting and not varnished yet. I could technically use Gamvar at this point, but would it be dry if it suddenly sells? Because I used liquin, it already has a fairly even sheen, more sheen than it would if I used Gamvar Matte, but not as much as Gamvar satin. So is sending a non-varnished painting to a new owner OK? If so, what information should I give them about the need to varnish at the 6-month mark? Does the owner generally return the painting to the artist for this varnish and if not who would typically do it? TIA for any thoughts you may have on this! It's something that's puzzled me for a long time.