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Out yesterday with Burlingame Plein Air Painters in Moss Beach north of Half Moon Bay, CA. One of our perennial spots on bluffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean on one side and the valley and mountains on the other. Usually chock full of wildflowers this time of year, but sparsely so this time around.

I painted three in the 2 hours we had before an impending storm blew us away. First is Neocolor II crayon (no water used), second is gouache, both of those are 12x9" on paper. Last one painted between them amusing myself with a 3x5" ink sketch of a couple in our group painting the ocean together.

I'm still struggling with gouache.

Ink sketch was good enough that even small and from a back view, everybody in the crew could recognize the couple instantly.

MOss beach bluffs 2024 A.jpg

Moss Beach Bluffs 2024 B.jpg

Lisa Matt painting Moss Beach 2024.jpg
I’m glad you got out to paint before another storm, Bart. If you wouldn’t mind, please stop sending your weather up here to me in Idaho. We haven’t seen the sun in so long. Looks like you’re having fun with the Neocolors. Have you added any to your original set?
I think your work with guache has potential. I'm not a fan of neo-color as a medium. Sketch is cool
That's a jazzy little sketch! Very cool. I'm happy you're still playing with Neocolors - you have a lot of pigment on your paper: might be fun to apply small amounts of water and see how they flowed. ;) But nice enough in its own right. I like your gouache painting but have yet to try this medium. Very colorful.

Looks like a fun day!
I especially love the gouache one. I think you're going GREAT with it! Nice collection of pieces here Bart! ♥️
Well, thanks, everybody.

Ayin, I struggle with gouache. Makes no sense, since I can easily paint with both aquarelles and acrylics, but this in=between sort of opaque medium still has me buffaloed. Most of that painting did not come out the way I expected it to at all, which was frustrating. I know people like the fauvism, and the comp is decent if uninventive, but the paint...well, I'm not there yet.
That's a jazzy little sketch! Very cool. I'm happy you're still playing with Neocolors - you have a lot of pigment on your paper: might be fun to apply small amounts of water and see how they flowed. ;) But nice enough in its own right. I like your gouache painting but have yet to try this medium. Very colorful.

Looks like a fun day!
Terri, in some Neocolors I do use water. Didn't want to on this one.
I’m glad you got out to paint before another storm, Bart. If you wouldn’t mind, please stop sending your weather up here to me in Idaho. We haven’t seen the sun in so long. Looks like you’re having fun with the Neocolors. Have you added any to your original set?
Donna, stop sending your weather down to us! I pay a lot of money to get sunshine. LOL

Not sure I'm having fun with Neocolors, just find sometimes when I don't want to break out the water media more fully nor the large pastel setup, this is easy enough for knocking something out. Small, light, lap painting. Wasn't sure if I would even get in an hour of painting before the weather worsened, so this was easy for a starter.

The day was breezy before a serious gale wind drove us back home. Knowing the wind was predicted to come up significantly, I didn't want to set up my pastel easel. Ever seen over 100 chalks thrown all over the grass when an easel is blown over? Not pretty!

No, I haven't added to the original set. What I should have done was taken out my plexi mixing palette to get a better color range. Sometimes I forget how easy that is to do with the crayons.

Somehow I got the idea that I was getting into a rut with my pastels. And the cost of glazing and framing these is prohibitive, so they were just collecting in the garage (except for a show that is just opening for our group.) So I've been making myself rotate between media. The only one I haven't taken back out is my acrylics, which I probably should do, but that setup due to my over-accumulation of crap is unwieldy and rather heavy to lug around in the countryside.
I like the idea of a plexi mixing palette and will have to try it. If you could buy a few extra Neocolors to round out a plein air set that would be nice, if they are even available individually.
These are super. The sketch is great and fun to do when you are out with others. Looks like a great day. I know nothing of gouache or Neocolors so no tips there. I'm smiling seeing your paintings though.
I like the idea of a plexi mixing palette and will have to try it. If you could buy a few extra Neocolors to round out a plein air set that would be nice, if they are even available individually.
They do sell them, but I like the idea of just mixing. Over the years I've found that color envy has not only caused me much unneeded expense, but also weight and bulk, which is the enemy of trekking around for plein air. So I'm trying to keep my palettes for each medium to the minimum primaries and secondaries.

I DIYed a palette (they're really not expensive anyway) out of a spare piece of white plexiglass by sanding one side. It works exactly like the commercial variety and you can indeed mix these colors successfully. You could just as easily use a cheap plastic cutting board; same thing really. Just forgot to do that this time.
Well, thanks, everybody.

Ayin, I struggle with gouache. Makes no sense, since I can easily paint with both aquarelles and acrylics, but this in=between sort of opaque medium still has me buffaloed. Most of that painting did not come out the way I expected it to at all, which was frustrating. I know people like the fauvism, and the comp is decent if uninventive, but the paint...well, I'm not there yet.
Me either. I started using more gouache a couple of years ago, and they are hard to get used to as a solo medium, but I love the look of them--that matte finish. I hate acrylics, but they do act a lot like them; a cross between watercolor and acrylic I think. I'm still getting used to them, but I don't "blend" them in any way. I used them in a kind of "paint-by-numbers" sort of fashion.
Super late, been busy. The sketch is great. The gouache works. looks like you had a great time. I agree that you should add some fluid to the news... Get that Bart bright going.