One I'm missing


Well-known member
Among the paintings from our recent trip, one ink of a particular street and house was missing. Somehow or somewhere in my much bedeviled travel this one want AWOL. Fortunately, I had snapped a photo of it and have been able to reproduce it.
The "pink house" in Monterosso al Mare (second home to us after 56 years) in the Cinqueterre is a landmark for many residents and visitors. As long as I've been going there it has been painted pink, hence its moniker. I didn't paint it in color this time, but can never resist doing a rendering. About 5.5x8.5" on WC paper.
pink house.jpg
Bart, excellent! Very well drawn structure of this house. I like all the interesting details. This view is challenging to draw. 👍
It’s a good thing you took the photo and I hope the original shows up. Nicely done!
Oh, I bet you were glad to have this picture! Sorry that you misplaced the sketch.

Well done! From what I've seen, this trip has been very productive for you. Yay!
Thanks, folks. Most trips are pretty good for painting for me.
However, we got caught in a driving thunderstorm that literally soaked everything we had, right through our suitcases! I had to dry my WC paper out over 3 days with hairdryers. One pad - Hahnemule - basically turned to pulp. The Arches and Strathmore papers held up in the end.
Holy crap! I've never heard of anything soaking through a suitcase unless it literally fell into water! I'm glad you were able to salvage some of it. Points for Arches and Strathmore papers, eh? ;)
Holy crap! I've never heard of anything soaking through a suitcase unless it literally fell into water! I'm glad you were able to salvage some of it. Points for Arches and Strathmore papers, eh? ;)
One of those new plastic hard shells should have resisted, but the all around zipper is cloth based, so the rain was driven right through that. You have no idea how hard it was raining! And my carry on duffel was thick cloth as was my watercolor fanny pack inside that, so those also got thoroughly soaked through. I was as surprised as you are.
I bet it all took on a lot of weight, too, until everything dried out. Glad it wasn't a total loss!
Great sketch! I love urban sketching and you do so well with the architectural sketch. I'm much less good at that kind of sketching.

Speaking of things getting wet, I saw on Youtube a video about someone restoring a watercolor by cleaning mold off of it and it made me wonder how they could do that. I didn't watch the video right then because I was doing other things but if I can find it again I'll post a
link. It showed a thumbnail of a brush being used so it made me think they were using a liquid of some kind. But it seems to me that anything wet would ruin it, so maybe they just used a dry brush.

I'm a pouring rain veteran---you know the Oregon jokes. We don't suntan, we just rust. However, we've had a drought for several years now so until this year, we haven't had our usual soggy seasons.
Great sketch! I love urban sketching and you do so well with the architectural sketch. I'm much less good at that kind of sketching.

Speaking of things getting wet, I saw on Youtube a video about someone restoring a watercolor by cleaning mold off of it and it made me wonder how they could do that. I didn't watch the video right then because I was doing other things but if I can find it again I'll post a
link. It showed a thumbnail of a brush being used so it made me think they were using a liquid of some kind. But it seems to me that anything wet would ruin it, so maybe they just used a dry brush.

I'm a pouring rain veteran---you know the Oregon jokes. We don't suntan, we just rust. However, we've had a drought for several years now so until this year, we haven't had our usual soggy seasons.
I watched such a conservation video just yesterday by coincidence. I was as surprised as you that it could be done.