There are many, many cultural products, in all societies, that are offensive by today's standards...
And what we might do well to remember is that we are not the pinnacle of civilization. Societies, cultures, and civilizations will continue to evolve and change and some of that which we accept without question will be deemed ignorant and offensive by future cultures.
Yes, indeed: I wonder what we'll be harshly judged on a hundred years from now.
I see this poll about terminology:
I.e. black folks themselves don't care about the issue. I will never use the unwieldy term "African-American" again, unless an actual black person requests me to. (Here in South Africa we all had a very good laugh when an American journalist once referred to black South Africans as "African-American South Africans."
Racial terminology is of course a cultural construction anyway. Around here, someone like Obama would not count as black. Neither do the remaining indigenous Khoisan people here think of themselves as black. But if this bloke emigrated to America, no doubt he'd get saddled with the term African-American, probably to his irritation:
Now as others have pointed out, we are getting dangerously close to politics here, though I suppose it is okay as long as it doesn't descend into party politics - that is usually where the sparks start flying.
Anyway, nowadays I don't get too worked up about such issues. They tend to work themselves out in the longer run, and history is frequently cyclical rather than linear, i.e. society cycles between ideas instead of irreversibly going from one to another. Furthermore, pretty much all banned books, whether banned by government or simply by social pressure, are nowadays freely available on the web anyway, so to some extent the whole debate is moot.
I'll close by this point, which is more philosophical than political: it seems to me that in the humanities, the entire point of an education is to be confronted with something else than what you already believe, and by the fact that in other times and places, there are people who hold to beliefs very different from your own. We should be careful about not "protecting" people from getting an education.