The Hospital Bouquet


Supporting Member
There it was, by her bed, in the room full of tubing, wires, metal, blinking lights, curtains and hard floors and chair.

18x24 acrylic/brown Kraft paper
P1010046Hospital BouquetM2.JPG

Poor focus and alignment, not show flowers as IRL

Close up of flowers,better focus.
P1010050Hosp BokayDetail.JPG

Thank you sno and Arty, I'm glad you appreciate the whole presentation, but maybe I should not have given a context that is only important to me.
I too get stuck in holding back context. It's hard, but sometimes people want to know. Sometimes you have to allow the art to speak for itself, but it's okay to give context when you are getting critique, I feel. I think if it's hanging in a gallery somewhere, then maybe it should just be let alone and we should let viewers decide, but it's okay to talk about our inspiration here. My .02.
I love it. So much emotion. Which is just my kind of work.
Forgive me Arty.... And that detail, Trier, is an even greater depiction of the emotion that’s packed in there.
I love it. So much emotion. Which is just my kind of work.
Forgive me Arty.... And that detail, Trier, is an even greater depiction of the emotion that’s packed in there.
Thanks a lot Nufocus. We apparently see and value the emotion in a work to the same degree, along with Arty I think.
I too get stuck in holding back context. It's hard, but sometimes people want to know. Sometimes you have to allow the art to speak for itself, but it's okay to give context when you are getting critique, I feel. I think if it's hanging in a gallery somewhere, then maybe it should just be let alone and we should let viewers decide, but it's okay to talk about our inspiration here. My .02.
Well said Arty !!
That is exactly the conclusion I came to after struggling with the question of the appropriateness of including the context/inspiration of a work being posted here.

I was unsure of how it would be received here and could find no guidance, so it was a tentative conclusion.
One of my concerns was the fact that the vast majority of viewers at any one time are guests, rather than members of the site, and that they might be put off from hopefully joining by the perception that it is a requirement, and not an option, that such info be included with a work they would like to post.

But I felt it was all in the family so to speak, and therefore posted it anyway.
Now that you have validated that approach, I am very glad

After further thought, I might try posting the info/context/inspiration part as a separate attachment that a guest could open only if they were interested.
That would leave the initial view of the post as consisting of only the image and basic data, with just the title to hint at the background like in a gallery.
I don't know if that is technically possible or if I am capable.
Personally, I do include a little "note" on each piece on my website, but you'd have to click on it for the window to pop up in order to read it. It's just a quick tidbit about the piece from my perspective. Sometimes it's what the piece meant to me, why I did it, where I did it, or how I did it, but it's usually not too much information. Just a little something. People don't have to click on it at all, just like they don't have to click on the link to reveal the price either. :ROFLMAO:
Personally, I do include a little "note" on each piece on my website, but you'd have to click on it for the window to pop up in order to read it. It's just a quick tidbit about the piece from my perspective. Sometimes it's what the piece meant to me, why I did it, where I did it, or how I did it, but it's usually not too much information. Just a little something. People don't have to click on it at all, just like they don't have to click on the link to reveal the price either. :ROFLMAO:
That is EXACTLY what I want to do here on Creative Spark; except for the price part which doesn't exist because they are all Priceless! LOL

I tried to do it on the Oil Forum just now, but it didn't quite come off, so how can I replicate what you do on your other site?

Cool! Yes, I just saw your post on Oils. I think you did a great job of doing this since we are limited to this forum software. My site was custom made to do what I want it to do. It's not a template or anything or the sort. I loved reading about your piece in the pop-up notes. ❤️