Dancing on the Bruce, Exhibition.


Contributing Member
Things getting a bit out of control. Thought posting the groupings here might might help me clarify, focus and move! Exhibition is a small one, tells the story of a fateful day on the Bruce Highway in central Queensland, Australia. No major long term impacts. These are part of a section linked to the extended hospital stay that resulted. One more, of the ambos hasn't been started yet. They are all A3 soft or oil pastel - except the yellow one. That's acrylic.. I've got wooden broadsheet frames from a nearby newspaper that closed the year I was born. I'm going to hang them close together, hopefully to end up with a simple puzzle shape.
IMG_20211020_064600_651 (1)2.jpg
IMG_20211015_133020_353 (1)2.jpg

In order: translating Doc speak, the much repeated path from bed to tests, being watched, started under the trees, those bright lights, 000 angel.


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All of them are very interesting. My favorite might be the last. Great.
Many thanks. I started this as a Wet Canvas years ago. Felt it was perfect for this exhibition. Editing with new skills.
Hmmm... Very mysterious when taken as a whole :unsure: My favorite is being watched; it's downright unsettling.
I k
I would not want to have a fever and look up to # 3 but the rest are enjoyable.
I know. There was one matron, and a couple of 'doctors in training', that's how I saw them looking at me. Again. And again. Over 10 days.
Hmmm... Very mysterious when taken as a whole :unsure: My favorite is being watched; it's downright unsettling.
Thanks. It was. I am trying to capture many aspects of the adventure ... as it was. Short story is they couldn't find the cause of the pain. Staff involved fell into 2 camps. We'll investigate til forever, and send 'er 'ome - comeback if it gets worse.
I'm sorry for what you went through. It's inspiring to see the beautiful art that created as a result. ❤️
"Being Watched" reminds me of the time I spent in the hospital, and the "Vampire Lady", as I teasingly called her – who else would come at 5:00 AM for blood? – would peek around the curtain! 😁

I also like "Started Under the Trees". It looks almost like a thumb and finger holding a pastel while the picture is flowing out of it. 👍

I'm sorry for what you went through. It's inspiring to see the beautiful art that created as a result. ❤️
After 10 days that were very full on, I was a bit of a wreck. Just as well I have a good support system ... that let me do tuff! 2 hours after I arrived home, I created the first dancing on the Bruce image. Not a great photograph, it is also in the exhibition.
"Being Watched" reminds me of the time I spent in the hospital, and the "Vampire Lady", as I teasingly called her – who else would come at 5:00 AM for blood? – would peek around the curtain! 😁

I also like "Started Under the Trees". It looks almost like a thumb and finger holding a pastel while the picture is flowing out of it. 👍

Thanks Rich, I think there a new title for this pic there!
All WIPs
3 More almost done.
1. Ouch, that hurts
2. Hallucinations and complication
3. Dancing to tune of the Ambos Song.

