The Frogs and Marmelade


oil painter
From January dailies. I wanted to paint jam jars but so many paint jam jars so I needed something different. I just purchased these frogs and by accident put it on the top of jar bc lack of space on the table and there it was: the setup.
"The Frogs and Marmelade", support is just a pizza box. Oil painting from life. Small size daily painting.


I love this kind of still life! Ordinary objects combined in a unique and unexpected way, unless frogs are normally found perched atop one’s marmalade. It’s wonderful!
Wonderfully charming, whimsical, and great highlights. This seems a rather complex subject to me, handled exceptionally well.
Thanks Joy!
The frog pose 😊 was challenging! I actually did put a light source behind the jelly jars so I could see a little bit of the light passing through the jelly. I had to take the light source away to photograph it ok.