Remaining Patches


old man

9 x 12 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Nov 14/24
just a few snow patches left .. reference was my own image from last spring ... one for John .. knife
You could have added a little glow and made a little campfire in that little clearing. That's almost what I see anyway. :giggle: ❤️
Thanks! Rub it in why don't you ;) Nice work.

I see a glowing wood fairy standing there. Come on Wayne, just one wood fairy? :)
It’s funny how those last patches of snow can look so special when they’re well lit. They are not as overpowering when they’re on their way out! Nice one Wayne. The above comments remind me of watching the old Bob Ross show. I would be so happy with his beautiful mountains and trees and then he’d plunk in a cabin. As if it couldn’t be a landscape without one. A campfire and a wood fairy would have been much more interesting!
I want to see a wood fairy, too! 🤣

I like it - I do think the bright patch is almost distracting because of how quickly it pulls my eye and keeps me looking for more (like a wood fairy!). 😇 But the mellow greens and purple shadows are your usual spot on touch. Nice!
Thank you Arnie .. I killed this but too soon .. it's a powerful piece that couldn't slip through one of my moods and got dismantled.