Texas Roots Geraniums -

Jo Castillo

Contributing Member
I sketch/painted for about 1.5 hours for my pastel class and for the Scavenger Hunt. We've been studying the vibrations between complementary colors like red/green, yellow/purple.... Also turquoise/yellow and magenta/blue. For the Scavenger Hunt I used the sketch for the item "from nature". A mix of pastels on a piece of wiped off LuxArchival paper, 8 x 10 inches. The Texas Roots pot is from our grocery, HEB. It will need to be transplanted to do well. Thanks for looking. You can see more info on my blog a bit later today. Off to do that now. Critique if you like.

No critique, Jo, just loads of admiration! Beautiful work on the flowers and the leaves with their color transitions. Imagine you, wiping off a paper to use it again. 🙂
Beautiful work, Jo. I love your background with the magenta/blue transitions - gorgeous! ❤️ And your textures are very dreamy in this one, too. Yum!

I must add that, when I was living in Texas, HEB was my absolute favorite store. They had everything! It tickles me to hear it mentioned in passing like this.
Terri, the red spot on the pot has HEB on it, I ran out of time. Thanks so much.
Wayne, Enyaw, thanks. Pastels are easier than oils to keep clean.
Donna, thank you. That is my only kind of "do over". Ha.

It was a sketch, but on a painting I like to lightly scumble to build up layers to get from dark to light. In a hurry, just push on the high lights and I didn't have the right soft stick. I have some Pan Pastels, I will look at those colors, maybe there is one there.
I had a little time this morning so I worked on the highlights and shadows with the lighter technique. Sort of worked. I like it better. Got the leaves a little clunky but it is a sketch after all. Thanks everyone.

Thanks snoball. I rarely revisit a sketch, but wanted to try the gradual buildup and it worked pretty well. Will "try" to remember that next time.
Thanks, Bongo, maybe that is all the color vibrations. I might have overdone them for class. I'm smiling.
Nice changes you made, Jo. It looks a little more refined but hasn’t lost any freshness.
Triduana, Thanks. Red and deep pink are fun to paint especially in pastel.

Donna T, thank you. You know pastels -- forgiving and fun.

KreativeK, thank you. It was fun.

PaintBoss, thank you. I like playing in the dust.