Teatime sketches

Thank you for looking and commenting. 🙂

I will hopfully be able to add to this thread again soon.
Very nice sketches. Sketching from life is so good for our eyes and motor rhythm. Helps me in painting. I'm smiling.
Thanks Jo. I love sketching from life; I'm really trying to build up a habit!
Great samples of your work. Thanks for sharing.

I like to do ball point sketches too, mainly for the same reasons as you. However, long ago my pencil work didn't seem to improve so I switched to ball point. Did so for about four months. I soon learnt that ball point doesn't have to be just for sketching but also for fine work too. It is a new way of drawing. The ink builds up around the ball and constantly needs wiping. Finer hand motor skills (light, steady an swift) is needed. I used to buy a few pens and picked the least leaky one for fine work. I got so fine that I could always feel the ball role. After three months of fine work I went back to pencil - wow, what an improvement.
Thank you, Hausamann. I agree, drawing with ball point is different to pencil, I think I actually concentrate more because I can't erase anything.
Just a few from this week. Some sheets on a line ...


I tried an abstract version of a landscape. For context, there is a road junction, some workers' cabins, various little watercourses, and a question mark in the middle because I planted an orchid down there a few years ago and haven't seen it since:


I later stopped in the same place again and drew the same scene in the style of an illuminated letter. I may come back to this idea at some point:

I always love seeing sheets or clothes on a line and these are so good, Kay. I like how you interpreted the landscape too - very creative and probably fun to do something different.
Another interesting set of sketches! Nice job with the sheets, I can feel the wind! Your landscape is intriguing - I'd love to see it, as well as the illuminated letter, fleshed out.

Good stuff!
Thank you for the comments Donna, Terri and Jo. I will do a better version of these, it isn't often I do anything abstract.