Sun Burst


Winter Trail.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Dec 14/23
another piece of yours that makes me feel nostalgic, even tho i hated skiing. What are you even doing with all these oil paintings?
Thank you Puapka. I paint because I love painting. I destroy a lot of them and I keep the ones I like in book covers on a shelf. I may do a book just to look at them because when I see the periods I've gone through it brings me joy. I know I am an artist and that is all that matters to me. I weed them out yearly and what is left will go to my granddaugher when I die and from there: who knows. Maybe they all end up in the sin bin. I have destroyed over 2000 in the last 5 years as I was painting on panels and they take up a lot of space. I didn't want anyone to be burdened with the task of putting them in the garbage after I die. After all, I am gettin up in age and have had a few spills lately. Now I paint on paper.
Thank you Puapka. I paint because I love painting. I destroy a lot of them and I keep the ones I like in book covers on a shelf. I may do a book just to look at them because when I see the periods I've gone through it brings me joy. I know I am an artist and that is all that matters to me. I weed them out yearly and what is left will go to my granddaugher when I die and from there: who knows. Maybe they all end up in the sin bin. I have destroyed over 2000 in the last 5 years as I was painting on panels and they take up a lot of space. I didn't want anyone to be burdened with the task of putting them in the garbage after I die. After all, I am gettin up in age and have had a few spills lately. Now I paint on paper.
That is pretty sad since a lot is lost when painting becomes just a photo, but i understand the issues with space. I suppose the journey of painting is more important to you than the destination? The approach of just making lots of paining and saving best ones is similar to photography. I have not met a painter in age so close to death itd be a big part of consideration around art before, its interesting to hear how all that impacts things, i have learned to have a better relationship with death myself through art, but it is very different from thinking that itll happen soon, and wanting to prepare family for that art wise, hope all goes well for you. I'm glad i joined an art forum, i would not hear this kind of perspective in web2.0 spaces.
I think the viewer could go snow blind over this one - a sun burst, indeed! What a beauty!

I feel sad myself when you talk about how many paintings you've destroyed over time - and yet, I salute you for being in such a zen state of mind that you can do it. It's the whole non-attachment attitude that I find admirable. I'm glad they're being photographed and at least posted here, too. ❤️
a lot is lost when painting becomes just a photo
Yes, so much. But memories don’t die and the photo can bring back those. The memories of how myself and my wife were having good times during the painting of a series, the memories of who phoned to chat one day. Or, did the water pump die that day. Life. Memories are fuel for the soul.
Love it, that's that little path again only with a different bend this time. I still want to make footprints along it. :giggle: ❤️❤️
Thank you Sno. Come on over. Oops, never mind, our snow has melted away. 7 c today and expecting 12 in a day or so. Downright crazy weather,
Really captures it well. So many times we view a spot of light without a magnificent vista and pass it by. But life is made of these little inconspicuous details, and when you grab one and wrestle it to paper, it's a triumph.
Thanks Ayin. We have a lot of these little roads to who knows. places where people cut their fire wood or are building a home in the woods. My wife and I went down one a week ago and it was nothing short of a logging road. To our surprise there were four homes in there. Thee with private property signs. We couldn't imagine why. Who would go on their property and for what? Strange.

Thanks Bart. The sun and shadow of those golden moments is quite captivating.
I have to squint because of the sunlight on the snow. Stunning piece, Wayne! I did a little plein air pastel a long time ago and the lighting effects are much the same as your painting except I was in deep shade looking out on a hay field. I always thought I must have made the foreground shadow too dark but seeing your piece makes me feel better about it. Sometimes darks need to be very dark.
Thank you Donna. I remember watching William Alexander paint and hearing him say, “don’t be afraid of the dark, you need dark to have light”. I didn’t paint at that time but I watched him. He was funny. I always thought he was drunk all the time.