Still life study with some pomegranate...


Well-known member
Not sure what was I thinking with this one... It started as a study but got carried away 🥴 It is done on canvas paper cut to 21 by 23 cm or 8" by 9" roughly to fit sort of a sight size that didn't turn out exact but slightly smaller (done from life, setup was next to an easel and canvas paper was taped to a drawing board). Now, when I think about it, probably I could use more variety in color but I guess that is what this little guys are suppose to do and learn from them.

Also, it reminds me of Christmas ornament so Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

Have a good one!


Wow, this is excellent! So well-rendered and the lighting is soft, yet perfect and detailed. Really great one Zoran. ♥️
Your lighting is tender and luscious, as always. This is a beauty!
I love the composition and the lighting. Excellent piece!
Wow ... outstanding work! You are a master at using soft and hard edges to the best advantage.
Thank you Ayin, Wayne, Terri, Ann, Jo, Joy, Laika, Kay, Donna and Sno... much appreciated your kind comments!

All the best.
