From Yesterday's Attempt


old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted June 30/24
I started to sketch in oil and had a real decent sketch going on .. sort of like Picasso where one thing turns into another and another and you either end up with something of just a pile of dung on a paper . Wish I had taken a photo cause the initial idea was good. Where it went bad was when I tried to add color. Then the sketch took on new meaning and lost it's validity. I'm not sure how to proceed on that particular notion. Anyway I decided to pull a still life of flowers from the mess and this is where it ended up. I think it holds it's own as a painting so I am happy with the salvation but sorry about my loss. Till next one.
I overlooked this post completely yesterday! oops....

I think you certainly pulled a rabbit out of a hat with this one - your purples are lovely and I like this background. So all's well that ends well. I agree this works just fine on its own. :)

Intriguing about how you had to change direction from the initial sketch. Yes - you should try to take work in progress photos!! I get annoyed when I forget, and also annoyed when I remember and have to disrupt my train of thought to get a couple. But they can be helpful if you want to look back, as you've just learned. ❤️
It is a good painting, ❤️ but not up to your usual standards for florals. I wish I could have seen the original concept.:giggle:
Thank you Terri and Sno. I will give the attempt a new try and hopefully get a little more progress than the initial attempt. I think there is something there but I have no idea on how to proceed so as is the case, only action will resolve or dissolve the idea.