Selfies challenge


Well-known member
Hi folks, as part of my daily art, I ended up doing some "portraits" mostly to get a handle on value, shapes, form etc and I keep running out of subjects. I've posted a couple of these. But recently someone mentioned that a "selfie" challenge may be fun.
So, firstly, i AM NOT a professional, am untrained, bit of a learnatic. Anyway, I'm game, here is my selfie. Gouache on WC 300gm paper, 10x15 cm.
I think it's not one if my best, is a middling likeness, and my mood was iffy that somehow comes through.
So, any other takers?????
Any media, any size or format, no expectations, but maybe some kind feedback to what is a very personal thing to depict yourself.
Here's my selfie #4.

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I'm really enjoying your portraits! Wonderful palette in this one. I can't speak to the likeness, but if this one's as good as what your did for Pablo, I'm sure you've nailed it.

I don't do selfies. This is the closest I came, and it's graphite on vellum. It's a few years old now, and I've since chopped off the mop of hair.

SP graphite line drawing.jpg
Great work Murray and Terri! And what a fun challenge. I shall get on with it in the morrow. It would be my first attempt at a self portrait. I rather fancy doing one using a large mirror. I'll see what I can come up with.
I'm really enjoying your portraits! Wonderful palette in this one. I can't speak to the likeness, but if this one's as good as what your did for Pablo, I'm sure you've nailed it.

I don't do selfies. This is the closest I came, and it's graphite on vellum. It's a few years old now, and I've since chopped off the mop of hair.
Thanks Terri, the photo is not well colour balanced and the painting has now softened with drying. Thanks for joining in.
Great work Murray and Terri! And what a fun challenge. I shall get on with it in the morrow. It would be my first attempt at a self portrait. I rather fancy doing one using a large mirror. I'll see what I can come up with.
Great, enjoy, it's an interesting exercise as you observe and try to interpret
I believe I suggested it, lol so I will try to come up with something. I am not fast people. My health is really getting in the way. But I look forward to trying. Although to be honest, I was a much better looking specimen before all the steroids and severe edema….
Thank the Good Lord I have such a winning personality.😋
Murray a very effective portrait. I’m starting to get a feel for your appearance, seeing these different portraits!
Terri, I quite enjoy seeing this less-is-more portrait. It has a lovely style and still required a lot of observation.
Maybe I’ll try to pull out a self portrait from years ago I did. They can be surprisingly telling.
I believe I suggested it, lol so I will try to come up with something. I am not fast people. My health is really getting in the way. But I look forward to trying. Although to be honest, I was a much better looking specimen before all the steroids and severe edema….
Thank the Good Lord I have such a winning personality.😋
Murray a very effective portrait. I’m starting to get a feel for your appearance, seeing these different portraits!
Terri, I quite enjoy seeing this less-is-more portrait. It has a lovely style and still required a lot of observation.
Maybe I’ll try to pull out a self portrait from years ago I did. They can be surprisingly telling.
Hi Paintboss, great. No pressure though if you need time, and, oldie works are welcome cos they still have something to say! In fact, those that want to use older works, that's super ok. If you want yo update eith new works good luck and enjoy.... This thread is simply a place to pull these enigmatic works together in one place, I think 🤔
Paintboss, thanks for suggesting it!
Ok. So here’s mine. A few problems. Those staring eyes. :) And I seem to be lacking a mouth. But at least there is some likeness. I might try to improve upon it when time allows.

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Cool. I actually like the way it's heading. Colours and proportion talk, in a way it's ok as it is, for me at least. There is no right or wrong!
Cool. I actually like the way it's heading. Colours and proportion talk, in a way it's ok as it is, for me at least. There is no right or wrong!
Thanks Murray. It was fun at least. I will try to rectify a few things anyways :)
Murry, Terri and Rikard - you all did some good work! Murray, I think your mood did come through and that matters more to me than a photographic likeness. Terri, I like the detail you gave your eyes and how cool that a few lines can describe a face! Rikard, you used blocks of color so well to shape the planes of your face. I really like the lantern hanging in the background too for some reason.
I love seeing people getting involved and making a start. There is no substitute for practicing. I love seeing the variations. I love seeing the evolution. I haven’t done a self portrait in years.
Well, I found it. I had to dig it out. And I’m pretty proud of myself. OK this is my first self portrait from university - 2nd year. I believe it was 1992. I propped a mirror up on my kitchen table, stuck in a corner with a great big window. The light was changing so was not consistent. You know it’s funny what self portraits reveal. I was quite pretty (it’s so strange saying that), and so people were really surprised by this portrait which kind of took me back. To me it was straightforward. I was concentrating. But a very nice young lady stated at the very end of my critique, she was a bit shocked between how she saw a person and how a person saw themselves. Mine looked terribly serious at the least and possibly depressed. Truth be told, I smiled to everyone, was very pleasant, if a little reserved, but was suffering from terrible anxiety and depression. I didn’t mean to reveal that. Or hint at it. I think it showed. I did not opt for eyelashes because I didn’t want to pretty myself up too much. If I got the eyelashes wrong, it could look very childish. Maybe I should’ve added them in looking at it now. I wish I would’ve hinted at a smile..
I decided after looking at it this morning and living with it for years, that I was going to correct or at least improve this self portrait. Just physically trying to do it is very difficult for me but I was going to do the best I could. And I got swept away in time and space! My husband came home and was so stunned and proud that I’ve done all this. He gave me a kiss and said see.. you can get yourself back!
So I want you all to see what I did when I was 19 or 20 and see how I’ve corrected it to look much more like myself and to make it more even. I had to expand the eyebrows and the lips and the nostrils. I had to make the lighting a little more consistent and not so patchy. I had to work on the hair. There’s a few slight changes I’d like to make, but I cannot erase the charcoal enough from the past to do it so it remains. I used what I had around and even though it’s still a glum picture, it is much more like what I looked like. My husband agreed. I mean, eyelashes help! Lol.
You know what I found the hardest on this? Those eyelashes! Being delicate I found was difficult with the charcoal in very short strokes.
One of my profs in life drawing class where we were drawing the nudes, used to love bringing in people who were much older of different sizes who are maybe oddly shaped or something was unique about them. Because he said young adults were boring to draw. Sure you can look at how everything fits together. And we had our share of those. But we didn’t have all the creases, the wrinkles and the lumps and the bumps and the things that make us so unique. Older people are more interesting to draw. I found that to be true. I was thinking about that doing the skin today. There just wasn’t a whole lot to it. If you do too much, smudging…well it looks like my first attempt- sadder. Don’t do it and it can make the skin, face, blank. Anyways, I think it’s better and I’m really pleased with myself. Will I hang it on the wall? No it’s just two serious looking. I need a bit more of a smiley face in my opinion. Even a hint of a smile. And if I did that on this portrait, I would’ve had to change too much. But at least it looks like me. It may not be perfect, but I will say this.. all the experience I have after these many years really showed, because it wasn’t hard to go in and do what I had to do. I had the confidence in the knowledge. I could see what needed to be done and I knew how to do it. But then I used to do a lot of portraits. Just not in charcoal. So that really felt different from years ago and quite nice.
Now I have to go eat, which I forgot to do. And it was wonderful!🙂

My changes
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@PaintBoss thank you so much for the story. And like Murray wrote, what a transformation. Much more confident drawing. The shape and volume of the facial features really comes through. I do wish that you feel better soon.

I went back and did some more work on my portrait. It's better now I think.
Christine, that’s a wonderful portrait and I think the changes you made really enhanced it. Even if you don’t look exactly like this anymore there’s still a lot of you in it - especially the artist part.

Rikard, the changes you made brought so much life to your face. A warm side and a cool side - and a beard!
Thank you Rikard and Donna!🙂
You Rikard you’ve really strengthen your painting. It is definitely better now- getting more defined. Keep going!
Oh I'm excited to see this thread expand with more self-portraits. These are so interesting to look at (and read about), they feel personal. I love the variety of colors and styles too.

I rarely do self-portraits myself, especially from life. I have a bad astigmatism in my left eye, and it gives me problems with proportions when working from life. I threw away the self-portraits I did from life in college as the proportions were just off. The last time I attempted a self-portrait was back in 2020 when I was super into aqua oils. It was referenced from a photograph of when I was in my mid-twenties. I started it but never finished it. But also never threw it away, so that's something!

There is a beautiful portrait I would put on my wall Steph! So lovely with that beautiful gentle lighting. Just gorgeous, not stark like mine. That’s a true gentleness, even to your application of paint whether to your face or to the background. You should just finish it up and there’s not much you have to do. It deserves to be on your wall.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
A stigmatism in one eye has got to be quite unique to have to work around. I have it in both, but it gets corrected.
I’m enjoying seeing people joining as well!