Hi art buddies... good to see some of us are sketching. it’s been otherwise here.....hope to squeeze in a crack today.
Sylvia- greetings, good to have your company. Cool hand sketches. Fun seagul gets mention in the Most Moodable category for this hunt. The light color background and reflect on base make space for introspection available. Nice......
Ai - adorable digits...the non dominant writing tools grant a feeling of uncertainty, a common state we all move thru then the simple hand with the tentative tools make nice combo ending with an “aaahhhh” of relaxing feet make this a perfect triage....kudos
Joan- cool gravestone Collection, super turtle and moth sketch....nice simple pair feels just right. Brrrr the dark waters surrounded by autumn leaves give a deep chill.... nice catch . Classy architecture piece....you are working with art all the time...thanks for sharing with us.
Joe1- fun cat skectches...typical page....good idea to focus on one part , They are fun to sketch. I never know if they enjoy the attention or not, but then that is typical cat . Liked seeing the different ear views..looks like you honed in closer and grabbed surrounding detail more as you went....
JoC. Really enjoy your and Ai digáis....like everything about Genes foot, leg, shoe and pants—-maybe I could get Tom to pose those parts for me and work up
Angela—. Wow, great sketches..... nice graded hatching, darks and lights maintained make the forms so pleasant. Like the directional accents on the pliers...great form of nail polish bottle, the tiny slit of clear glass at the bottle bottom is the subtile defining touch that makes me smile.
Well, I hope we all manage to sketch .....something maybe even on the back of an old envelop or sales receipt that floats by.....have a good day. Friends....draw something.....maybe?