Scavenger Hunt from Life #37-B: Sep 4-12

Jo, great sketches and I see the hummingbird feeder is popular. Nice abalone shell and loblolly tree. Yay!!! Another sketchbook finished.

13 - found in the park (substitute for found in the mountains) - watercolor (Done at the Central Park Model Boat Pond.)

14 - soft (giant bubble) - gouache, colored pencils, neocolors (This one was done during an outdoor workshop.)
15 - nature

Ai, thanks so much for hosting.

The new hunt starts tomorrow (or today for Ai) and it is now posted. See you there!
Joan: Thanks so much ... Wow on both pieces... fantastic details in the park and the soft giant bubbles...
Thanks, Ai,Joan, Jo ,Wonderful Wonderful job .

related to the sea
3it makes you laugh The shell is in front of me every time I use pc or iPad but I hadn't thought about it before seeing Jo's beautiful drawing, initially I thought I was drawing a plant, leaves, but then I didn't draw it and they 2 had them neighbours so changed choice .
Ai Thanks for this hunt,Joan thanks for new hunt

2022-09-12 18-55.jpeg
Ai, thanks.

Joe, thanks so much. Lovely lines on your shell and Eeyore is so cute.
Joe1: Thank you... such sweet Eeyore free lines in the shell.

All: Thanks for joining along this Hunt.